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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Loreto

Loreto Bay Golf Resort & Spa at Baja
3.7/5102 Bewertungen
The price vs the quality of service they provide does not correspond, and I got a promotion with 40% discount. The hallways and stairs to the rooms were dirty all week, with hairballs, bloody papers and leaves that no one ever picked up. The pools with napkins and waste papers in the water that no one ever cleaned up, I can't imagine the treatment of the water. The room, 3 out of 4 days without hot water (warm if anything) and they said it was normal. I reported it to reception on the first day, reception called maintenance, maintenance told me to leave the water running for 15 minutes and that would be the solution, 15 minutes later I called reception saying it was still the same and another person answered me, I talked to him again and he told me He says that both the previous receptionist and the maintenance man finished their shift around 10 minutes (10pm) and that it was a lie to leave the water running. I ask for a change of room, they move me to an even uglier one and the shower drain is clogged and the water is equally lukewarm. The employees look tired and sometimes they serve you poorly and of course, if they are receptionists, waiters, bartenders, buffet waiters, pool service, everything is done by the same people and with shifts of more than 12 hours. When checking out at reception, another guest arrived complaining about the same problems in the room, so it seems to be a constant. Gardening and cleaning in common areas is poor. The staff eat fruit and throw the seeds and peels into the common gardens. There is NO supervision from the manager. The location is very good and with basic adjustments it could be a great place, shame. The food is good. It is far from being a Resort & Spa. ------------------------------------------ El precio vs la calidad de servicio que entregan no corresponde, y eso que me toco promoción con 40% de descuento. Los pasillos y escaleras hacia las habitaciones sucios toda la semana, con bolas de pelo, papeles con sangre y hojas que nadie nunca recogió. Las albercas con servilletas y papeles desechos en el agua que nadie nunca limpio, no me imagino el tratamiento al agua. La habitación, 3 de 4 días sin agua caliente (tibia si acaso) y decían que era normal. Lo reporte a recepción el primer día, recepción llamo a mantenimiento, mantenimiento le dijo que dejara el agua corriendo 15 minutos y seria la solución, 15 mins después marco a recepción diciendo que seguía igual y me responde otra persona, le platico de nuevo y me dice que tanto el anterior recepcionista como el de mantenimiento acabaron su turno hacia 10 minutos (10pm) y que era mentira lo de dejar el agua corriendo. Pido cambio de cuarto, me pasan a uno aun mas feo y la coladera de la regadera tapada y el agua igualmente tibia. Los empleados se ven cansados y a veces te atienden de malas y como no, si son recepcionistas, meseros, barmans, camareros de buffet, pool service, todo lo hacen las mismas personas y con turnos de mas de 12 h

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