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Aufenthalt im Mai 2024
Reise mit Freunden
30 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 23. Juni 2024
Room size a bit small
Standard hotel , nothing much to comment
Travelling with friends, a bit embarrassing when you need to shower , somehow can see through a bit from the glass
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest,welcome to Wujiangzhai village and stay in Mount Shine hotel,we're glad to know thar you enjoy you stay besides the glass,which we didn't hear too much about before your stay.And we would consider on improving this glass thing to protect privacy.And there are plenty of rooms with large size to choose and we hope you would have a wonderful memory stay in.Thanks for your booking and we look forward to seeing you soon in Wujiangzhai village.
Wai Bin
Superior Double Room B
Aufenthalt im März 2024
6 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 10. Apr. 2024
Great service and amenities. Breakfast has loads of option from cereal to noodles to dimsum. The only downside is it seems to be the furthest hotel to the main area (15 mins walk) but we like its quietness. There’s lots to explore along the way, optionally shuttle bus at demand.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Welcome to Wujiang Village international tourist resort and we are glad to hear that you enjoy your stay.Mount Shine hotel is the largest hotel with 327 rooms,located in the southeast of the village,but all shuttle bus can drive you there on 24 hours.There is a hot spring hotel being built in this village and we are looking forward to your next visit.
Superior Double Room B
Aufenthalt im Febr. 2024
4 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 18. März 2024
Complaint room toilet smelled and was upgraded to another room with a balcony. Live the size of tge room.
Service was exceptional. The best hotel I have stayed so far.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Welcome to visit Mout Shine Hotel in Wujiang village and we’re glad to know you enjoy your stay,but we still feel bad for giving you a room without fully examination from the very beginning and we would like to thank you for helping us improve our job to be done better.We could deeply feel you when someone is staying another country in which the mother language is not your first language,so the front office manager Zebra and supervisor Han gave you a hand on your laundry service、hospital servie.Also when we were aware of you need our help to the railway station,the hotel booked a vehicle for you and safely tranfered you to the destination.We hope you enjoy your stay in Hongkong and see you next time.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您近期選擇入住暮山酒店高級大床房A,此房型樓層雖然較低,但是帶了獨立觀景陽台,入住體驗感極佳。希望我們精雅靈動的環境和無與倫比的服務讓您在離開之後仍留有久久難忘的美妙回憶。再次感謝您入住,我們希望能很快再次見到您。
Superior Double Bed Room A
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2024
Reise mit Freunden
5 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 1. Febr. 2025
Antwort der Unterkunft: 您的厚愛是我們不斷提升服務的動力,我們將不懈努力,為您帶來更加舒適的體驗,本次蛇年春節除夕前後,酒店為所有入住的客人提供了象徵寓意吉祥和期盼來年祈福的食品、物品擺放,期待這一份來自黔北烏江寨人的祝福,能更深入傳遞到每一位遊客手中。對了,房間裏的木梳,是景區特別為住宿遊客準備的小禮物,一直以來都是客人喜聞樂見並收藏的紀念品,不知您是否將這份禮物帶走並伴隨您接下里的行程。希望我們的優質服務能夠令您擁有與眾不同的旅途生活。烏江寨誠摯地邀請您再次下榻!
Superior Double Room B
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2024
23 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 31. Jan. 2025
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,您好!非常感謝您對烏江寨酒店的認可和支持!酒店雖然不處於景區核心區域,但交通便利,24小時擺渡車可以送您至核心區域周邊的車站站點,及時前往您心儀的遊玩區域,同時也享受了遠離核心區域的一份寧靜。小暮將繼續努力和保持工作,希望您一如既往的支持烏江寨景區。期待您的下次入住, 祝您在新的一年中生活愉快,工作順利!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的貴賓,非常感謝您選擇併入住暮山酒店,並感謝您給予我們的評價。 暮山酒店作為景區內最受歡迎的酒店,無論硬件條件和軟件服務,都是景區內住宿客人的首選。而對於您的反饋,我們非常重視,我們也已經通知景區客房部門部門並及時作出改善。希望您再次選擇入住我們酒店,從始至終為您提供幫助。
Antwort der Unterkunft: 非常感謝您選擇烏江寨景區酒店入住。對於您在入住期間遇到的問題,我們在此表示誠摯的歉意。酒店地處於山區內,蚊蟲較多,在窗户上也特別安裝了紗窗,在保持空氣流通時杜絕蚊蟲進入房間,另外也準備了電蚊香液和花露水供客人使用,消殺工作也定期有安排,這次的蟲子事件酒店確實感到非常抱歉,前廳有應急處理的制度,可以在您有反饋時及時給予您更換房間,減少蚊蟲叮咬帶來的傷害。您的寶貴意見有助於我們的進步與成長,我們相關部門已經採取措施作出改善,期待您再次入住時能感受到我們的誠意。烏江寨歡迎您!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您的評價以及您提出的寶貴意見!對於您在入住期間遇到的問題,給您帶來的不便我們深表歉意,對於您反饋的問題,我們會和景區相關部門積極溝通,加強遊覽車在黃金週期間的運轉,以確保賓客的入住體驗,在國慶黃金週高峯客流期間,景區會偶發出現部分問題,感謝您對於景區的包容與理解。期待您的再次光臨!