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Shaikh Muhammad Shariq
Deluxe Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2024
7 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 7. Okt. 2024
The bed mattress was not comfortable and the room was very hot since the air conditioner had no cold air. It was difficult to sleep though they provided us with fan but still it was uncomfortable.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest,Thank you for choosing Crowne Plaza and for taking the time to provide feedback about your experience at Crowne Plaza ZHENGZHOU.I would like to start by apologizing to you for the inconveniences you faced during your stay. The hotel has 183 guests rooms,The environment is very beautiful.We strive to make each stay as pleasant and comfortable as possible, and we appreciate that you brought your experience to our attention. We take feedback seriously and will coach our team to make the necessary changes so we can provide a better experience in the future.I hope you will give us a chance by staying with us again , thank you for sharing your comments, Iwish you all the best!
Superior Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2024
Reise mit Freunden
16 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 23. Jan. 2024
Super good service from Kiki / Jenny when i did my check in and check out. Don't think i have had any better friendlier service than this.
Kiki / Jenny - pls keep up the good work, so everyone feels so at home when they stay at Crowne Plaza.
Conclusion, the service is not not only a "5 Stars" service ....i would give it a "10 Stars" service......as it made me feel so at home.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, we are very happy to see your sincere review. Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou is located on Jinshui Road in Zhengzhou, with convenient travel and convenient transportation, just across the road from the Bauhinia Park. we always welcome every guest with InterContinental's true hospitality approach. Thank you again for your choice and recognition, and I look forward to your return in 2024. I wish you all the best!
Duplex-Familien-Suite (2 Schlafzimmer)
Aufenthalt im Nov. 2023
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 3. Dez. 2023
Upon arrival, the hotel staff was professional and patient, he waited for us to check in at the counter and then bring us to our room with our luggage. We book the room one day before the trip, and try to call them if we couldn’t check in earlier. They prepared the room and we are able to check in straight away upon arrival. Really appreciate this kind gesture when travelling with kids.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, we are very happy to see your sincere review. Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou is located on Jinshui Road in Zhengzhou, with convenient travel and convenient transportation, just across the road from the Bauhinia Park. we always welcome every guest with InterContinental's true hospitality approach. Thank you again for your choice and recognition, and I look forward to your return in 2024. I wish you all the best!
Superior-Zimmer (2 Betten)
Aufenthalt im Nov. 2024
5 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 17. Nov. 2024
very good!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,您好!很高興看到您對酒店的認可,您的褒獎將是我們前進路上的莫大動力,我們酒店全體員工都致力於讓每一位居停客人在這裡有一次愉快的入住體驗。酒店環繞於園林景觀之中,厚重的中原文化與歐式的優雅浪漫完美結合,工作之餘,可以欣賞到園林中的小橋流水,鳥語花香,真誠歡迎您的再次光臨!朱磊 總經理
Superior Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2024
2 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 22. Apr. 2024
Very good!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住河南中州皇冠假日酒店,感謝您對酒店的好評,您的認可是我們不斷前進道路上的領航燈和強大動力,很榮幸酒店能給您這次的出行帶來一份舒適和温馨,園林式酒店地處金水路核心區域,大院環境優美,滿足您的出行和商務所需,為每一位入住的賓客營造温馨舒適的環境氛圍是我們始終堅持的追求。再次感謝您對酒店的支持和認可,祝您生活愉快!秦明 總經理
Mimi Zondi
Aufenthalt im Aug. 2022
32 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 23. Aug. 2022
It was my first time booking a hotel in Zhengzhou and it was worth it. Some of the hotel stuff know English, which was really helpful. By the reception, there was always an English speaking assistant. The pool is so big and clean, the sitting area around the pool is even more lovely even if you want to just chill and relax. The stuff all around the hotel was super nice and the rooms were clean, room service came daily. The only issue we had was when we arrived, the didn’t allow my partner to check in due to his nucleic test apparently being over 48hrs, even though on the suikang it was still showing within 48hrs, but they said they look at the time you did it at. And it was midnight at 00:30. This ruined our first night. Worse because he stays in Zhengzhou and hadn’t left ZZ in months, he could’ve done it the morning after getting a good rest. The room was already paid, and they put that money to waste for that day.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Distinguished guests,Thank you for your review of the hotel!Your valuable advice is very important to us,We will bring your suggestions to the hotel management,We hope you can continue to support our hotel.Sincerely look forward to your next visit!
Aufenthalt im Juli 2023
53 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 24. Juli 2023
Beautiful hotel
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, we are very happy to see your sincere review. Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou is located on Jinshui Road in Zhengzhou, with convenient travel and convenient transportation, just across the road from the Bauhinia Park. Thank you again for your choice and recognition, I wish you all the best!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住河南中州皇冠假日酒店,非常感謝您的精彩照片和好評!【園林式酒店】是【河南省首家五星級酒店,是5902博物館酒店】交通便利,位於市中心,不論是商務出差還是休閑度假,地鐵公交都很方便。酒店擁有183間客房,不同房型滿足您不同入住需求,其中倍受客人喜愛的家庭雙卧複式套房,上下兩層,一房滿足全家需求。期待在未來的日子裏,繼續為您編織更多關於家的美好記憶,歡迎您再次入住,讓我們共同續寫這段不解之緣!朱磊 總經理
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住河南中州皇冠假日酒店,看到您拍攝的照片,我們彷彿也回到了那些美好時刻。【園林式酒店】是【河南省首家五星級酒店,是5902博物館酒店】,歷史悠久,地理位置優越,位於市中心金水路,毗鄰地鐵站和機場高速,各種商業、娛樂設施配套齊全,方便商務客人的出行和住宿。我們一直努力為賓客提供舒適的環境,優質的服務,多類別的美食,我們期待您的再次光臨,一起續寫更多温馨、難忘的故事!朱磊 總經理
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住河南中州皇冠假日酒店並與我們分享精美的圖片,您的誇讚宛如一首輕柔的小夜曲,在我們心間奏響,帶來滿滿的温馨與喜悦。【園林式酒店】是榮獲首批【中國歷史文化名飯店】榮譽稱號,歷史底藴深厚,酒店位於市中心金水路,臨近曼哈頓商圈及地鐵1號線,酒店西側臨近紫荊山公園,可以感受不一樣的都市體驗,在此入住我們為您推薦酒店各類打卡美食,及中原源遠流長的歷史文化故事,讓您在旅途中也能“行走中國,讀懂河南",真誠期待您的下次光臨!朱磊 總經理
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住河南中州皇冠假日酒店,您拍攝的美圖給了我們滿滿的收穫和信心呢~【園林式酒店】是【河南省首家五星級酒店,是5902博物館酒店】始建於90年代,歷史底藴深厚,地處市中心金水路,交通便利,棕櫚閣西餐廳位於酒店1樓,中西合璧的早、午、晚餐新鮮豐盛,廣受客人好評,您還可以享受到皇冠3樓自然採光室內恆温泳池和健身房,暢享愜意時光,誠摯期待再次以IHG“真正待客之道”歡迎您下次惠臨,一起續寫更多歡樂的瞬間!朱磊 總經理
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住河南中州皇冠假日酒店,感謝您對Ashley和Alice服務的好評,很開心您用鏡頭記錄下酒店的美好瞬間,並與我們分享。【園林式酒店】是河南省首家五星級酒店,是5902博物館酒店,有着深厚的歷史文化底藴,環境優美,交通便利,酒店的棕櫚閣西餐廳不僅為賓客提供種類豐富的歐陸式早餐,和當地特色美食,還有頗受好評的地道的巴西燒烤和海鮮,期待您再次光臨,品嚐我們更多精心準備的美食!朱磊 總經理
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住河南中州皇冠假日酒店,您的讚譽如同放大鏡,將我們每一個細微之處的努力都展現得淋漓盡致,感謝酒店的設施,衞生,環境,服務能為您此次的旅程錦上添花。【園林式酒店】是河南省首家五星級酒店,是5902博物館酒店,地處市中心金水路,優越的地理位置和完善的設施服務非常適合您差旅出行或遊玩時在此休憩,我們將您的評價作為寶貴的財富,也會不斷推出高品質的產品和服務,努力為每一位賓客帶來更加完美和難忘的旅居體驗!朱磊 總經理
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住河南中州皇冠假日酒店,我們非常欣喜您注意到我們服務中的每個小細節,您的精美照片真是太棒了!在最求卓越的道路上,我們深知細節決定成敗,您的讚譽無疑是對我們莫大的鼓勵。【園林式酒店】是河南省首家五星級酒店,是5902博物館酒店,地處市中心金水路,商務出行和遊玩都很便利,您可以到酒店周邊的紫荊山公園和大象陶瓷博物館遊玩,亦或是品嚐地道胡辣湯等”老家河南“美食,地鐵或是高鐵也都很便利,真誠期待在不久的將來能再次見到您的身影,一起創造更多美好的回憶!朱磊 總經理
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住河南中州皇冠假日酒店,您的評價如同穿越時空的信使,將我們酒店悠久的歷史和現代的讚譽緊密相連。【園林式酒店】是榮獲首批【中國歷史文化名飯店】榮譽稱號,是河南省首家五星級酒店,歷史底藴深厚,有很多名人政要下榻於此。一樓的棕櫚閣西餐廳為賓客提供歐陸式早餐,更有胡辣湯等河南本地特色美食,為每一位賓客開啟能量滿滿的一天,美食之後,您可到位於皇冠3樓自然採光室內恆温泳池和17餘種健身器械,足不出户暢享曼妙時光。讓每一位賓客擁有別樣精彩的旅行是我們不斷努力的目標,期待不久的將來還能見到您的身影,共續這段美好緣分!朱磊 總經理