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Business-Zimmer (2 Betten)
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2025
14 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 23. Febr. 2025
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的賓客,感謝您入住漳州大酒店,並分享您的入住感受。很高興漳酒的每一個環節都得到您的認可,通過您的評論,就可以感受到這次旅程給您帶來的幸福感, 這是我們服務者一直追求的, 這也將成為我們繼續努力、不斷進取的動力, 期待下次為您服務!
Business-Zimmer (2 Betten)
Aufenthalt im Mai 2023
5 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 10. Juni 2023
Jiudianfuw henhao
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您跟我們分享您的入住體驗,很開心您對此次的入住表示滿意,也十分感謝您對酒店服務和環境的認可,為您提供貼心便捷的服務和乾淨衞生的住宿環境是我們的基本要求。期待您的再次光臨!祝您及家人開心每一天!
Anonymer Benutzer
Business-Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im Juli 2024
2 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 25. Aug. 2024
It is confused to see the name Zhangzhou Hotel as one but actually has two different hotels sharing this name. This one is located by the side of the main road, you can get into the reception right off the taxi. Another one you have to cross a big garden before you can check in.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, we apologize for not being able to provide you with the best stay experience, and we also greatly appreciate your feedback. Due to translation issues between Chinese and English, two hotels may have the same English name. We have reported this situation to the relevant departments and will use clearer ways to label the English names of the two hotels in the future to reduce potential confusion for future guests. The two hotels you mentioned belong to the same hotel enterprise. Although they differ at the entrance, they all belong to Zhangzhou Hotel and share high standards of service and facilities. No matter which entrance you choose to enter, you can enjoy the same high-quality service and accommodation experience. Thank you again for your valuable feedback. We highly value the experience of every guest. Looking forward to your visit again, we will strive to provide more thoughtful and personalized services~
Business-Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im Mai 2024
Reise mit Freunden
2 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 9. Juni 2024
The room is clean and spacious, location is great.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you very much for sharing with us the details of staying at Zhangzhou Hotel. What you mentioned is what we should do, and your satisfaction is the direction we strive for. I hope to meet you again at the Zhangzhou Hotel soon~
Business-Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im März 2024
1 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 4. Mai 2024
The hotel is located in the city center, very close to where we planned to visit on daily basis. The lobby is nice and bathroom is nice with new/clean towels and renovated with marble stone. The room has enough space but tv set could have been bigger in contrast to the wall space. The Chinese breakfast buffet is bountiful with a few daily local flavors. The room service staff are friendly but probably need more professional training. Although it is advertised as smoke free for some rooms, all rooms are not smoke free. At checkout, the receptionist was very receptive with my feedback. Hope there will be some improvements in the near future and we will stay in this hotel again on our next trip.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, thank you for your thoughtful evaluation of us. We are very happy to serve you! Thank you very much for choosing to stay at Zhangzhou Hotel! We have always adhered to the service philosophy of "enthusiastic smile, perfection", providing high-quality service to every guest. Thank you for your support. Our Zhangzhou Hotel is also constantly updating our facilities and equipment. We look forward to your next visit to experience our progress! Strive to give us a full five point rating for your next stay experience! Wishing you a happy life!
Business-Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im Juli 2023
2 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 26. Aug. 2023
Convenient location! The staff at the service counters were patient and eager to help. The room is clean and well-maintained. The facilities are enough for use. The only problem is that the noise from the nearby room can be heard easily. Bought interesting souvenir from the trip too!
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, hello! Thank you very much for your patient and thoughtful evaluation. Thank you for your love of the hotel environment and recognition of the work and service of the hotel staff. We will also adopt and improve your valuable suggestions. We hope that your next stay will have a different surprise experience and look forward to meeting you again
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的賓客,您好呀!收到您的評論,我們的心裏就像被春日暖陽照耀一般,暖洋洋的!在您入住當天漳州氣温突然下降,但好在我們酒店的温暖能夠及時送達。得知小夥伴們為二老送上了取暖器,那份由心而發的暖意一定讓您感到特別温馨吧!我們客房服務團隊就像冬日裏的小太陽,時刻準備着為您送去温暖。看到二老能在這份細心關懷下感到舒適與安心,我們所有的努力都變得值得啦!在市中心的繁華中,我們不僅僅是一座酒店,更是您旅途中温馨的家。離古城那麼近,彷彿歷史與現代就在咫尺之間,而我們的服務,就希望能成為連接這一切美好體驗的橋樑。期待您下次再來,讓我們一起創造更多温馨又有趣的回憶哦!比心心~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,您好呀!看到您對我們大酒店如此高的評價,真是讓人心裏樂開了花呢!咱們酒店位於漳州市區黃金地段,勝利公園就在隔壁,出門就是便捷交通,古城也在不遠處招手,環境那叫一個優越,空氣新鮮得能擰出水來!作為老字號四星酒店,雖然帶着歲月的痕跡,但維護得那叫一個精心,設備設施樣樣俱全,讓您住得舒心又放心!自助早餐豐富多樣,特色十足,讓您的一天從美味開始!感謝您的認可,期待您下次光臨,咱們繼續給您滿滿的幸福感哦!祝您生活愉快,旅途愉快!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的賓客,非常感謝您選擇我們酒店作為您春節家庭出遊的住宿之地,很高興我們的地理位置和安靜的環境給您留下了深刻印象,同時也感謝您認可我們為小朋友準備的零食禮物。關於您提到的設施稍顯陳舊的問題,漳酒歷經無數接待,設施難免留下歲月的痕跡,我們會繼續加強對設備設施的日常維護與保養,漳酒會定期升級改造配套設施設備,爭取為廣大賓客創造更為舒適的旅居環境,為您打造貼心的“家外之家”。關於您提到的早餐菜品更新慢的問題,對於節假日這樣的接待高峯日,漳酒確實還存在服務速度上的不足,您的意見讓我們瞭解到服務當中的不足之處,我們會總結經驗以及反思,希望未來能得到多方面的提升。期待您能再次光臨,體驗我們不斷改進和提升的服務,為您帶來更加滿意的住宿體驗。祝您生活愉快,萬事如意~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,您的好評就像冬日裏的一縷陽光,温暖了我們整個團隊的心!地理位置絕佳,緊鄰古城,讓您的探索之旅輕鬆又愜意。寬敞的停車場,讓您愛車有位,出行無憂~ 早餐豐富多樣,喚醒您的味蕾,開啟美好一天。前台小夥伴的微笑服務,是我們不變的承諾。春節期間的小零食,是我們的一點心意。女排訓練基地及展示館近在咫尺,讓您的旅程增添了幾分體育精神的鼓舞。再次感謝您的青睞,期待您下次光臨,我們定會以更優質的服務迎接您!祝您生活愉快~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親,非常感謝您對我們大酒店的高度讚揚與喜愛!很高興我們的服務態度、除夕夜禮盒以及舒適的拖鞋都能讓您滿意,尤其是我們的早餐白粥能給您留下如此深刻的印象,我們倍感榮幸。對於早餐的選擇,我們會繼續增加更多樣化的菜品,以滿足賓客們的口味需求。對小朋友的關懷我們也記在心裏,很高興我們的玩偶能給他帶來快樂。在此新春佳節之際,祝您及家人蛇年大吉,身體健康,萬事如意!期待在未來的日子裏,您能再次光臨,與我們共享更多的美好時光。漳州歡迎您,我們酒店更歡迎您!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的賓客,感謝您選擇我們的酒店並分享寶貴的意見。我們一直在努力,不斷提升設施設備以滿足您的期望。對於您提到的衞浴空間及電視尺寸問題,我們已反饋至相關部門研究,爭取儘快改進,以期為您帶來更加舒適的住宿體驗。關於您提到的暖氣不足的情況,我們深感抱歉,並將立即檢查並優化温控系統,確保您有更好的入住體驗。很高興我們的服務、酒店衞生、停車便利、早餐品質等得到了您的認可,期待您的再次光臨。祝您旅途順利,生活愉快~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的賓客,您的滿意是我們最大的動力源泉!得知您對我們的設施、衞生、環境及服務都給出了超讚評價,心裏簡直是樂開了花~設施齊全讓您住得舒心,整潔衞生讓您住得放心,美好環境讓您心曠神怡,熱情服務則希望能成為您旅途中最温馨的記憶。離古城咫尺之遙,讓您的悠閑漫步添上無限愜意,真是再美好不過了!土樓與古城的探訪定給您留下了深刻印象,而我們的小窩也期待着您下次光臨時的再次擁抱!感謝您的青睞,未來之旅,我們在這裏,不見不散!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,非常抱歉給您帶來了不愉快的體驗。您的反饋我們已認真記錄,特別是早餐服務和設施方面的問題,我們會立即進行整改,加強人員培訓,提升服務質量,確保每位賓客都能享受到舒適温馨的住宿環境。對於空調暖氣和隔音問題,我們也會盡快安排專業人員進行檢查和維修。感謝您的建議,我們會不斷努力,為您和每一位賓客提供更好的服務。期待您再次光臨,讓我們有機會彌補這次的不足。祝您旅途順利,生活愉快!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親~非常感謝您選擇漳州大酒店作為您漳州古城之旅的下榻之處!我們很高興得知您對我們的房間環境與衞生狀況感到滿意,同時地理位置的便捷性也為您的旅行增添了便利。感謝您對於早餐品種的建議,我們已悉心記錄,會考慮未來增加更多漳州當地特色小吃,以滿足賓客的多樣化需求。期待再次為您服務,為您帶來更加完美的住宿體驗。祝您旅途愉快~