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Gästezimmer (Doppelbett)
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2023
4 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 10. Nov. 2023
I enjoyed staying in this home stay so much! Design is beautiful, felt like in 1920/30’s China. Staff is friendly and polite, you add their WeChat upon arrival and communicate through it, which is convenient for non Chinese speakers. Breakfast is simple Chinese buffet, very enough and cute. Location is just perfect for sightseeing, in the beautiful historical center surrounded by stunning parks. I ended up extending my stay how much I liked it.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, thank you very much for your love of us. Your support and affirmation are the driving force behind our progress. We will continue to work hard to bring warm and comfortable experiences and beautiful travel memories to our guests. We hope you can come back again next time!
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett)
Aufenthalt im Sept. 2023
2 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 25. Okt. 2023
Super cosy garden and excellent room and services at a great location! Definitely recommend!
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, thank you very much for your love of us. Your support and affirmation are the driving force behind our progress. We will continue to work hard to bring warm and comfortable experiences and beautiful travel memories to our guests. We hope you can come back again next time!
An Elysse Sy
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett)
Aufenthalt im Aug. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
22 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 17. Sept. 2023
It was really nice that's why i chose it..but the platform only forwarded 1 of our 2 bookings and the hotel was fullybooked..so we have no choice but to be relocated to a nearby hotel, which is also good but not as authentic n artistic as this one
Antwort der Unterkunft: Yes, it's really regrettable that due to the negligence of the platform, you were unable to successfully stay at our hotel. It happened that you were fully booked for the weekend, so we can only introduce you to nearby hotels. However, if there are regrets, we will have expectations. Looking forward to your next visit!
Ora lim
Delight Family Room (100-inch Projector TV + Mini Fridge)
Aufenthalt im Sept. 2023
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 31. Okt. 2023
Comfortable place to stay in and its v near to good food and shopping area
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, thank you very much for your love of us. Your support and affirmation are the driving force behind our progress. We will continue to work hard to bring warm and comfortable experiences and beautiful travel memories to our guests. We hope you can come back again next time!
Antwort der Unterkunft: (免費停車➕歡迎水果)非常感謝您對我們酒店及周邊環境的高度評價!得知您對我們的房子外觀、前台服務、早餐質量以及提供的額外小驚喜(免費水果和零食)都感到滿意,我們深感榮幸。您的認可不僅是對我們團隊努力的最好回報,也是我們不斷改進和追求卓越的動力。公園路的小吃和墨池公園的文化氛圍,確實為住客提供了豐富的休閑探索選擇,能夠讓您在享受舒適住宿的同時,也能深入體驗當地的文化與生活氣息。期待您的再次光臨,祝您生活愉快!
Antwort der Unterkunft: {免費停車+智能馬桶}非常感謝您對我們民宿的高度評價和認可!得知您在我們五馬街民宿中度過了一個愉快而舒適的時光,我們感到無比欣慰。您的讚賞是對我們中式民國風裝修風格的最好肯定,也是我們不斷努力提升住宿體驗的動力源泉。小庭院作為我們民宿的一大亮點,能夠成為您的打卡之地,我們倍感榮幸。再次感謝您的寶貴好評,期待未來有機會再次為您服務,為您帶來更多美好的住宿體驗。祝您一切順利
Yiyun Twin Room (100-inch Projector TV + Mini Fridge)
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您的反饋!非常抱歉親子房沒能訂到,節假日的房間提前一個月都已訂完,我們理解這對您來説是個遺憾。很高興您喜歡庭院的環境和佈置,希望您拍到了不少美照!關於房間的味道和臨街的噪音問題,我們深感抱歉,節假日人流較大加上流感流行期,每一次清掃房間都會使用比平時多一層的消毒措施,這確實影響了您的入住體驗。我們會盡快採取措施改善您提到的建議,確保未來為客人提供更舒適的住宿環境。期待您下次光臨時能有更好的體驗,也非常感謝您提出寶意見,祝您新年快樂💗🧧
Yiyun Twin Room (100-inch Projector TV + Mini Fridge)
Antwort der Unterkunft: 您的評價充滿了深情與細膩,彷彿讓人穿越時空,親身感受到了那份歷史與文化的交融,以及張愛玲留下的淡淡哀愁。愛玲·中山雅舍不僅僅是一個住宿之地,它更像是一段故事的載體,讓人在品味民國風情的同時,也不禁為張愛玲的遭遇而感慨。感謝您的用心評價,相信您的分享會讓更多的人瞭解並愛上這家充滿歷史與文化底藴的城市民宿。願每一位來到這裏的旅人,都能在這裏找到屬於自己的那份寧靜與温暖。
Republic Era Experience Room (Air Purifier + Mini Fridge)
Antwort der Unterkunft: 【芝士沙發+空氣凈化器】感謝您的好評!為您打造一個融合民國風情與現代舒適的住宿環境,我們深感榮幸。舒適的床墊以及頭等艙太空椅,都是我們為了讓每一位賓客都能享受到賓至如歸的體驗而精心準備的。早餐的豐富多樣,旨在滿足不同客人的口味與營養需求,讓您的一天從美味開始。再次感謝您的認可與支持,我們期待在未來的日子裏,繼續為您提供更加優質的服務與體驗。