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Anonymer Benutzer
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2023
34 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 8. Febr. 2023
We had a great stay at the HIDDEN Travel. The rooms are spacious and equipped with high quality furniture.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 首先感謝選擇巡隱,能得到您的認可是我們的榮幸,咱們一共AB兩棟共17個房間,5個雙床,12個大床房,有勞斯萊斯同款星空頂房和超大親子房,可容納22-37人,是公司團建,朋友聚餐的好去處! 萬分期待您的下次光臨!!祝您生活愉快,事事順意!
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
18 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 3. Jan. 2023
The hotel exceeded my expectations, I highly recommend it. Nice room and convenient location.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 首先感謝您選擇我們家,能得到您的認可是我們的榮幸, 萬分期待您的下次光臨!!祝您生活愉快,事事順意!
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2022
6 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 11. Dez. 2022
Very nice hotel, central location in dapeng nearby the beach, modern design, nice architecture, clean rooms, friendly staff!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 首先感謝選擇巡隱,能得到您的認可是我們的榮幸,咱們一共AB兩棟共17個房間,5個雙床,12個大床房,有勞斯萊斯同款星空頂房和超大親子房,可容納22-37人,是公司團建,朋友聚餐的好去處! 萬分期待您的下次光臨!!祝您生活愉快,事事順意!
Anonymer Benutzer
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2024
2 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 19. Dez. 2024
Good service
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親,非常感謝您的評論,我們民宿有專屬管家為您提供服務哦,入住期間有任何需要都可以在服務羣與我們取得聯繫,我們會在第一時間為您處理,我們民宿位於深圳較場尾民宿小鎮。關於環境:我們民宿院內種了天堂鳥、龜背竹、非洲茉莉、羅漢松、翠竹、檸檬樹、三角梅等大大小小近百盆植物,一進小院內滿目都是鬱鬱葱葱,讓您隨時能夠呼吸到新鮮空氣。關於設施:民宿內17間房均配備了智能馬桶、高清電視機或投影儀、高速吹風機、小米膠囊咖啡機、茶具套裝和茶葉,以及農夫山泉礦泉水。乾濕分離的衞生間,衞生間內貼心為大家準備了洗面奶、卸粧油、沐浴露、洗髮水、護髮素、洗衣液、洗手液,一次性拖鞋、沖涼拖鞋、消毒過的毛巾、浴巾、浴袍等。近一半房間配備了浴缸,浴缸配了一次性浴缸套,睡前泡泡澡,享受一下這放鬆的時刻。關於衞生:我們的布草都是一客一換的,都是認真消毒過的,衞生打掃完畢會由管家仔細檢查房間,店長二次抽查,嚴格把控,請您放心。關於服務:我們會提前聯繫下單的顧客,添加微信建立專屬服務羣,管家為顧客發送入住前須知、周邊停車場定位和圖片指引,避免繞路。辦理入住後為客户介紹民宿方位,帶客入房,發送WiFi密碼、退房時間、周邊攻略、餐廳推薦、外賣地址等重要訊息,管家24小時為您提供服務。我們自己有廚房,為大家準備了營養豐富的中式早餐,每天都是現蒸現煮的,讓大家吃得放心,吃得開心。
Good place, good location. Will come back in a short while.😄
Antwort der Unterkunft: 首先感謝您的分享,能得到您的認可是我們的榮幸,和您相處的時間也很愉快,附近大鵬所城、東山寺、楊梅坑、鹿嘴山莊等等;吃喝玩的地方很多距離也都很近! 咱們一共AB兩棟共17個房間,5個雙床,12個大床房,有勞斯萊斯同款星空頂房和超大浴缸親子房,可容納22-37人,是公司團建,朋友聚餐的好去處! 萬分期待您的下次光臨!!祝您生活愉快,事事順意
Aufenthalt im Juli 2022
12 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 20. Juli 2022
The place is super clean! We stayed in room B202 and is was very quiet. The facilities are very clean and the people in reception are super kind and helpful.
The location is 5 minutes to the sea side.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you very much for your recognition of Hidden Travel , your satisfaction is a stronger power for our good service. This is your first visit to our homestay. We look forward to seeing you more time. At the beginning of the design to build Hidden Travel homestay, we wish we can do my best, so, whether in the hardware design, or software services , hope that every guest to live comfortable, play happy, can also be semi-hidden in the Hidden Travel. semi-hidden in the room, semi-hidden in the teahouse, coffee shop; Drink tea, watch a movie, get together with friends, have an afternoon tea and so on. At the same time, it is also very convenient for us to go to the seaside, which can be reached by walking 100 meters. It is also very convenient for us to go to other tourist attractions around. I also sent you a tourist brochure when you came, hoping you can have a better time At the same time, there are a total of 17 rooms, 12 large 5 pairs, including 3 business suites with halls, 3 oversized parent-child rooms, and a variety of couples' rooms, can meet the various needs of different guests. At the same time, all of our rooms are equipped with breakfast and afternoon tea, so we don't have to go out for breakfast in the morning, and we can sleep until we wake up naturally. Each room is equipped with cleanser, makeup remover oil, etc., to avoid the embarrassment of forgetting to bring cosmetics; equipped with a coffee machine, a full set of tea sets, you can sit in the room alone to enjoy the fun of tea; If you have the opportunity, please come back next time and experience the greater advantages of our other rooms .When you want to relax and take a semi-retreat from the busy world, you can always think of Hidden Travel. You are always welcome to Hidden Travel.
The Evansies
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2022
7 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 9. Apr. 2022
We stayed at Hidden Travel with our friends and their little girl over the long weekend. I booked a one bedroom for my family and a room with 2 beds for our friends. The rooms were new, clean, spacious, and beautifully decorated. We were very impressed with how thoughtful they are. We've stayed at many 5-star hotels before and this 3-story hotel even went above and beyond with the warm toilet seat and high-quality products provided. I forgot to bring my make-up cleanser and surprisingly found that it was provided with other toiletries. The only thing that we wish they provided was the fridge. There's a coffee machine but no fridge. However, more than a lovely facility was their 5star service! As soon as our booking was confirmed , Simba and Angela who are the owners phoned us and arranged a WeChat group. We were in close contact since the day we traveled. They assisted us with direction to the hotel, giving recommendations for food and activities, and most importantly for making us feel so welcomed as foreigners. The hotel staff are also greatly helpful and hospitible. We would like to thanks Simba and Angela for making our first trip in Da Peng very memorable. We will definitely come back!
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you for your recognition of Hidden Travel. Cleanliness is the basic quality, service is our basic work, your recognition is a powerful power for our continuous progress and improvement. We hope to provide free planning, free organization and free service for all people, and hope that everyone who comes to Hidden Travel can enjoy every good time without worry. Welcome you to come again. The overall design of Hidden Travel is based on minimalist style. I hope you can patrol a peaceful place here. Indoor increased partial Japanese style soft outfit, hope you can live here at ease, sleep comfortably. At the same time, we provide breakfast and afternoon tea, hope you can get up in the morning to have a beautiful breakfast, start your good mood, at the same time, facing the afternoon sun, have a cup of warm afternoon tea, let you relax. The tour has a total of 17 rooms, 12 large 5 pairs, 22 beds, most of the rooms have balconies, bathtubs, among which there are three large parent-child rooms, whether couples vacation or parent-child tour, there is always room for you. In addition, there are three characteristics: 1. Large public area, which can accommodate up to 50 people for dinner, singing, meeting and other activities; Independent mahjong room, tea room; Can organize children's activities; 2. The parking lot outside the backyard is convenient for parking. The front door is the central square and food street, which is about 100 meters away from the beach. 3, Hidden Travel facing the sea, prepare for the dapeng city, walking can reach all scenic spots, stroll to enjoy the good time of all scenic spots; We are communicating with the designer about the suggestion of adding a refrigerator to the room. How to add a refrigerator is more appropriate. Thank you again for your recognition and praise. Welcome to Hidden Travel next time.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 哇塞!!!小姐姐不僅顏值高,還很會拍照,這麼多美圖,簡直太贊啦!感謝小姐姐對我們的五星好評。我們民宿的slogan是:巡遇山海,隱懷四野。巡得一方寧靜之地,隱於七尺世外桃源看似嚮往的生活與現實往往背道而馳,其實卻不盡然,每種生活方式皆是選擇的必然結果,亦是時光的恩賜,讓心迴歸,重巡人生之真。我們民宿位於深圳較場尾民宿小鎮,院內種了天堂鳥、龜背竹、非洲茉莉、羅漢松、檸檬樹等近百盆植物,一進小院內滿目都是鬱鬱葱葱,隨時能夠呼吸到新鮮空氣。離海邊僅100多米,前門步行直達較場尾海灘,剛剛立冬,現在微風不燥,一個人或者與朋友家人一起在海邊散步,陽光暖洋洋灑在身上,微風輕拂髮絲,別提有多舒服了,期待您下次過來玩噢~~~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親,非常感謝您的評價哦!一看您就是我們的老客户了,照片上是我們的另一家店,是在較場尾海邊的城牆根3號店,我們巡隱店和城牆根3號店您都住過了,城牆根3號店的院子重新重修過哦,在院子裏就可欣賞絕美海景,非常適合拍照打卡,兩家店都提供早餐和貼心的管家服務;我們巡隱的話整體風格為極簡輕奢風,去除華麗的裝飾,摒棄繁瑣的設計,營造出簡約,寧靜的設計氛圍,有一種迴歸自然,迴歸自我的意境,在注重環境的同時,我們更注重客人的體驗感,民宿中的一瓦一磚,一樹一草,一床一被……皆是精選而來,不做作,也絕不含糊馬虎,房間設有超大落地玻璃窗,乾濕分離衞浴,五星級床品以及膠囊咖啡機,清晨一縷暖陽,一杯香濃咖啡,開啟美好的一天。期待您的再次入住。
Antwort der Unterkunft: 非常感謝您的認可,得到您的認可是我們的榮幸,咱們民宿整體風格為極簡輕奢風,去除華麗的裝飾,摒棄繁瑣的設計,營造出簡約,寧靜的設計氛圍。有一種迴歸自然,迴歸自我的意境。在注重環境的同時,我們更注重客人的體驗感,民宿中的一瓦一磚,一樹一草,一床一被……皆是精選而來,不做作,也絕不含糊馬虎。房間設有超大落地玻璃窗,乾濕分離衞浴,五星級床品以及膠囊咖啡機,清晨一縷暖陽,一杯香濃咖啡,開啟美好的一天。期待您的再次入住。
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您對的我們巡隱的認可,乾淨衞生是民宿的基本素質,優質的服務是我們的基本工作,為巡隱家人提供專業,細心,貼心的管家服務是我們民宿創立最質樸的初衷,我們為每位入住的家人都準備了周邊遊攻略,裏麪包含遊玩推薦和美事推薦,讓家人們出遊可以不再懵啦~能給您留下美好的體驗,我們倍感榮幸,歲月正好,時光正好,在忙碌交織的假期裏,非常開心我們在浪漫的較場尾小鎮裏相遇。祝您生活愉快~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您選擇我們巡隱民宿,感謝您對我們這麼高的評價。民宿整體風格為極簡風,去除華麗的裝飾,摒棄繁瑣的設計,營造出簡約,寧靜的設計氛圍。有一種迴歸自然,迴歸自我的意境。在注重環境的同時,我們更注重客人的體驗感,民宿中的一瓦一磚,一樹一草,一床一被……皆是精選而來,不做作,也絕不含糊馬虎。房間設有超大落地玻璃窗,獨立陽台,乾濕分離衞浴,五星級床品以及膠囊咖啡機,清晨一縷暖陽,一杯香濃咖啡,開啟美好的一天。期待您的再次入住。
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您對我們巡隱民宿店長和管家的超級無敵五星好評,這是對我們服務的肯定,更是對我們工作的默默支持,讓我們感覺到一切的付出都是那麼的值得。巡隱為每位入住的家人都免費提供了旅遊攻略,其中包含周邊打卡景點和老字號餐廳推薦,跟着攻略一站式遊玩即可,讓巡隱家人的出遊不再迷茫。再次感謝您的支持,相信我們會做得更好,因為有您。也希望您時刻記得我們在較場尾,在巡隱,期待您的再次光臨!