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Qinglong Cozy Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Febr. 2025
7 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 23. März 2025
It's located very near ticketing office. Buses to attractions and the city public buses stop just 1min walking from the hotel. We were amazed by the kindness and warmly attention of the owners.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you so much for your kind words! We're thrilled you liked our hotel and found it convenient with its great location and easy bus access to attractions. Your satisfaction truly makes our efforts worthwhile. We sincerely hope you have a fantastic time traveling around China. Should you ever have the chance to visit again, we'd be delighted to welcome you back with your family and friends.
Featured Family Friendly Suite - 3-Room (2 Bathrooms, 1 Living Room)
Aufenthalt im Juli 2024
3 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 2. Sept. 2024
Good location, the premises is very clean and good service, new and comfortable. Highly recommended to stay.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you for your trust and support. Choosing Zhulin Homestay, we will always prioritize service, never forget our original intention, and wholeheartedly provide guests from all over the world with a cleaner and more comfortable environment, as well as more thoughtful service~ Welcome again with your family to explore the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road, Quanzhou~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 客官息怒!展言如晤,聞君筆下驚雷,僕等惶惶然如觀《山海經》異獸錄,然則容某細細辯之。夫血痕雙面,或為硃砂點符鎮妖邪?抑或紅袖添香時胭脂遺痕?小店錦衾皆以沸湯浣之,蒸薰曝曬,縱有前朝公主落紅亦當消弭無影,況每客必換新衾,此乃行規,若得實證,願贈掌櫃頂上青絲三根為誓!至於榻上毛髮之疑,某甚惑焉。客官明察秋毫至此,莫不是華佗再世專攻《毛髮病候論》?若論**與髮絲之別,縱使扁鵲亦需執戥秤量,君竟能隔空斷之,莫非是終南山修道時曾為狸奴接生?倘真有異物,何不速喚小二更之?偏效那蒲松齡夜半挑燈錄《聊齋》,實令某等扼腕——早知君好此道,當備齊狐仙尾、柳精須置於錦匣,供客把玩。至若浴室數莖"靈毛",某忽憶《莊子》有雲"野馬也,塵埃也",或為君攜來終南紫氣所化?至於榻榻米方寸之地,正所謂"芥子納須彌",昔東坡雪堂不過五步,尚可"俯仰四海",今備東瀛矮几供客盤坐理粧,恰合魏晉名士風骨。嗟乎!客棧非瑤池仙境,然灑掃庭除不敢懈怠。若客官當日擊掌三聲,某等自當奉鮫綃新褥、闢塵香爐,何至使君作此《凶宅賦》?今特備西域玫瑰露三盞,嶺南荔枝膏一盒,盼君再臨時,共辨毛髮源流,笑談四海風月。順頌時祺某店掌櫃頓首再拜(附打油詩一首)君見**如見鬼,我觀差評似觀星若疑衾褥未更換,何不當場捉現行?斗室能容八方客,心寬自可納滄溟且温綠蟻迎新友,共笑紅塵古怪經