Opening: 2024
M Condotel Apec Mandala Cham Bay Mui Ne By D0505 in Phan Thiet. 7 minutes drive from Hon Rom, 9.7km from sand dunes... The hotel combines amenities including spa, mud bath, gym, water park, water slide, infinity pool, rooftop pool, private beach... enjoy other convenient services with free high-speed wifi access.
You can dine on the hotel grounds including 2 restaurants, eateries, enjoy relaxing drinks at the bar, lounge area.
There are many services for guests including laundry, 24/7 reception desk, elevator, electric car, long escalator from the road to the hotel. The conference and event service area at the hotel includes a multi-function room, meeting room. There is self-service parking on site.
Relax comfortably like at home in the hotel's rooms equipped with 5-star standard furniture including high-speed wifi, flat screen TV, refrigerator, safe, induction cooker, microwave, ... the bathroom has a private bathroom with shower, mist shower, free toiletries. Besides, daily housekeeping service...