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A Pillow Of Clear Wind · Enjoyment | Snowy Mountain Loft Duplex View Family
Aufenthalt im Sept. 2024
Reise mit Freunden
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 30. Okt. 2024
Wow! AMAZING!!! From the moment we booked to the moment of check out has been an amazing experience. The reservations manager, Brother Huang ,is so incredibly , knowledgeable and quick with he responses! Check in and check out were SUPER easy and our stay was absolutely wonderful. The are is gorgeous, the rooms are so cute and functional and the bathroom are amazing!! We will certainly be coming back again and again and I HIGHLY recommend this property!!! Very decent prices and a vacation you’ll never forget! Thank you so so much to Mr Huang, and for the SHANXIANG resort hotel awesome time! We will be back soon!
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear friend,We are delighted to receive your wonderful review! At Shanxiang Inn, we always strive to provide a unique and comfortable experience. Your kind words are a great encouragement. Our team takes pride in offering warm hospitality and ensuring every detail is perfect. Whether it's the cozy rooms, beautiful scenery, or delicious local cuisine, we aim to make your stay unforgettable. Looking forward to welcoming you again soon! 😊
Yunxi · Mijing Garden Twin Room
Aufenthalt im Aug. 2024
3 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 12. Sept. 2024
Attentive and enthusiastic service,room is very clean and comfortable. A pleasant experience.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 首先原涼我不能用英語回覆您,我知道您在我家入住期間比較滿意而且還和我們客棧的工作人員相處的很融洽,雖然相處的時間不長但是你們娘倆走的時候我們還有點依依不捨,不知道你們啥時候能再來期待下次再見,在此道一聲謝謝,謝謝您在百忙之中給我們點評
2-Bett-Zimmer mit Innenhofblick
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
6 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 3. Febr. 2024
location is very good, staff is very nice and willing to help. Room is big and very clean.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您的點評;你們不遠萬里從異國他鄉來到我們這裏入住我家客棧,我們除了高興就是服務,要讓你們看到我們中國人對待你們的熱情以及友善,你們玩開心了回到了自己的國家把我們美景以及人土風景介紹出去讓更多的外國朋友來中國來麗江,謝謝
Dream Creek Courtyard Private Soup King Room
Aufenthalt im Mai 2022
5 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 1. Juli 2022
Great location, already in old town and a pleasant walk to the main areas. Hotel staff were very helpful and gave us a better room than what we booked.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 謝謝親對我們裕豐名邸的肯定,我們的理念便是行至路上,悦然於宿。我們致力於為每一位客人帶來自然,輕鬆並伴隨着一點點驚喜----家的感覺。我們期待裕豐名邸能成為您回憶里美好的感覺,在未來的生活中,這份美好一直與您相伴。期待再次與您相遇!
Spring Breeze · Manju Courtyard Jingyang Terrace Big Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2022
Reise mit Freunden
5 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 5. Febr. 2022
Really nice hotel in heart of ancient city of lijiang. All services great. Beautiful courtyard gardens and tranquil. They even did my laundry which after a week of hiking was most welcome. Thank you.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 謝謝親對我們裕豐名邸的肯定,我們的理念便是行至路上,悦然於宿。我們致力於為每一位客人帶來自然,輕鬆並伴隨着一點點驚喜----家的感覺。我們期待裕豐名邸能成為您回憶里美好的感覺,在未來的生活中,這份美好一直與您相伴。期待再次與您相遇!
Dream Creek Courtyard Private Soup King Room
Aufenthalt im Juni 2022
41 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 23. Juli 2022
The hotel is in a good location just inside the Southern entrance of the Dayan Ancient town. I liked the location as it was far from all the KTVs/Bars at night, which made it quiet. Although some might find walking to the "happening" parts of the ancient town a bit far. I didn't mind it. Being close to the entrance of the ancient town meant that it was easy to walk out and take a cab else where. There were some restaurants in the street right behind the hotel, which was convenient.
I liked the Japanese bidet for the toilet, and the lighter blanket instead of the heavy duvet (which is way to hot in this weather) and many hotels don't provide this option. The balcony over looking the beautiful courtyard was very nice. The hotel also had umbrellas for guests to borrow, which was nice especially given the rainy season in the summer.
Things I didn't quite like was that the lobby was consistently smokey every time I walked through it. Management also made no attempt to tell kids/other guests to keep the noise volume down in the morning. All the rooms in the hotel looked into the courtyard, and there were kids very early just running around making a lot noise too early in the morning. The bed was a little too soft for my preferences. My room was also not cleaned the whole time I stayed (4 nights). Every day they would only come into my room to refill my 2 free bottles of water, and empty the garbage. I'm not sure if I had to ask, but the hotel also never mentioned it to me.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人您好,對於你入住期間體驗感不是太好我們深感遺憾,不過現在可以告訴您一個好消息,原來這個店的老闆已經不在經營了,從2024年1月份開始我們接手了這個客棧並且在接手後重裝了這個客棧,原來的客棧更名“山享酒店”,現在的山享酒店以全新的面貌,全新的服務理念服務好每一個客人,我們也期待您再次光臨
Gillian May
Dream Creek Courtyard Private Soup King Room
Aufenthalt im Juni 2022
Reise mit Freunden
12 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 25. Juli 2022
Beautiful hotel! Wonderful staff. Very friendly and helpful.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 謝謝親對我們裕豐名邸的肯定,我們的理念便是行至路上,悦然於宿。我們致力於為每一位客人帶來自然,輕鬆並伴隨着一點點驚喜----家的感覺。我們期待裕豐名邸能成為您回憶里美好的感覺,在未來的生活中,這份美好一直與您相伴。期待再次與您相遇!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 讀罷您的好評,滿心感恩!您的暢意體驗就是我們全力以赴的目標。選址南門、古城內接送、搬運行李,都為您“減負”;應急送氧、潔凈房間、智能設施,願給您舒適。童趣滑梯、靜謐環境,讓親子游温馨無憂,出行便捷更是錦上添花。您的認可如熠熠星光,照亮我們前行之路。期待再相逢,定不負所望,繼續為您的麗江之行保駕護航,祝您闔家歡樂常相伴!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 看到您的好評,滿心温暖與感恩!您出遊,我們就盼您輕鬆自在,接送、備物都是分內事,能幫上忙就好。水果、咖啡管夠,雪山觀景隨心,都為讓您有愜意的休憩時刻。您喜歡,認可“下次還來”,是對我們最大褒獎!望往後的日子,您諸事順意,若計劃新旅程,這兒永遠是您麗江的家,盼再相逢,祝安好!
Hua Xiangrong · Quiet Residence | Private Soup Balcony Big Bed Room
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,由衷感激您的讚譽!您的三日相伴,讓我們深感榮幸。漫步古城,靜享歲月,陽台浴缸房能得您青睞,真好。我們用心佈置花園、精選水果、調試投影,衹為您住得愜意。您喜歡下午茶和咖啡,是對我手藝的肯定。能為您搬運行李,提供些許便利,也是我們的分內之事。您提及的雪山、陽台與浴缸,皆為這方天地的深情饋贈。期待與您再次相逢,願未來的日子,您所行皆坦途,所念皆如願,我們將守望着這方小天地,靜候您歸來!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,您好!非常感謝您對麗江山享酒店的喜愛與支持,以及對小喬服務的高度讚揚。您的滿意是我們前行的最大動力!我們一直致力於為每一位客人打造温馨舒適的居住環境,提供貼心周到的服務,小喬就是我們團隊的傑出代表。您的推薦是對我們最好的鼓勵,我們會不斷努力,期待您的再次光臨,願再次為您帶來難忘的住宿體驗,祝您生活愉快,旅途順遂!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人,見字如晤!衷心感謝您的讚譽,您的肯定讓我們深感榮幸。酒店的選址、裝修都凝聚着我們的心血,衹為給您最舒適的體驗。小喬能讓您有如此温暖的感受,我們也為擁有這樣優秀的員工而自豪。您的推薦是對我們最大的鼓勵,我們會繼續努力,不斷提升服務品質,期待未來能再次為您服務,願您往後的旅途皆遇美好,常回“家”看看!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,看到您的好評,滿心温暖與感激!您的滿意是我們最大的動力。能為您的旅程增添舒適與便利,是我們的榮幸。從天氣提醒到行李接送,從精心規劃行程到一杯香濃的咖啡、一盞温暖的茶,都是我們對每位客人的用心。感謝您的認可與推薦,期待未來還有機會再次迎接您,繼續為您打造温馨難忘的住宿時光,祝您生活愉快,旅途皆美好!
Pillow Cloud Viewing Mountain · Returning Cloud | Viewing Snow Mountain Big Bed Room
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,感謝您的好評與對山享客棧的青睞。您引的詞句恰似客棧的靈魂寫照,“清夜無塵,月色如銀”之時,於客棧中暫避浮名,斟酒滿杯,感時光悠然。願您在此仿若“作個閑人”,享“一張琴,一壺酒,一溪雲”之樂。我們竭力營造這方寧靜天地,讓每位客人都能從塵世疲憊中解脱,期待您的再次歸來,續寫這份詩意篇章。