Building 5-5, Taohuayuan Yuerong Commercial Plaza, Anji, Zhejiang, ChinaHoteldetails anzeigen
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458 Bewertungen
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Aufenthalt im Jan. 2024
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 16. Jan. 2024
What a fantastic villa and a wonderful stay. We arrived later at night but we’re still greeted by our friendly hosts at the carpark. The girls at the villa went above and beyond to make our stay comfortable … their service was excellent tending to our every need, they had even pre-warmed our room before our arrival (we stayed in the middle of winter). We also brought our 2 dogs, and whilst most stays that we’ve been to are tolerant of dogs this villa also strived to make their stay as comfortable also, providing extra dog beds for them and also giving them both a little breakfast for both the days we stayed. I cannot stress how amazing the service was the girls not only tended to all our requests but also offered well thought services, like providing a sweet dessert to help with dry throats. The venue is super cosy with a modern traditional facade, the room itself was modern, clean and comfortable. The direct area surrounding the villa is made up of small stores with some being under construction, the girls guided us to a local restaurant which was very good. Within walking distance there are playgrounds, small trails and vegetable gardens which was perfect for our morning dog walks, we surprisingly spent more time exploring the local area than we thought we would. The Chinese breakfast served was delicious, and for the coffee fiends I can confirm it’s good, made from a proper machine. Overall fantastic stay, incredible hosts and scenic surrounding areas to explore
Antwort der Unterkunft: 説實話,看到小姐姐如此用心的點評,小管家們都超級感動的!感謝小姐姐對我們大樂之野門店給出如此高的評價!我們也很開心能和超級友好超級善良的小哥哥小姐姐一起在桃花源度過了美好的三天噠!去接咱們親愛的大樂家人的時候我們也很開心,咱們的兩個狗狗都好漂亮很熱情呢,我們民宿作為寵物友好門店,有專門配備寵物窩和寵物餐碗噠,以及寵物濕巾,咱們有需要都可以隨時和我們講噠!因為咱們的小可愛早上要在房間乖乖等主人用早餐後回房間,所以我們也會給小狗狗多準備兩個水煮蛋,這樣它們也能吃到熱乎乎的早餐啦~冬日之際,我們的小管家查房時都會提前把空調和地暖打開的,這樣咱們進入房間是就能一掃外界的涼氣,瞬間被暖意包裹啦~同時咱們可以白天在外開心玩耍,晚上回來後喝一碗我們精心煮出的晚安甜湯,就可以舒舒服服的睡一個好覺呢!也感謝小姐姐對我們園區和早餐的喜愛!非常歡迎小哥哥小姐姐以後有機會再帶着小可愛們來桃花源玩呀!
马克思 Lao Ma
Elegantes Doppelbettzimmer
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
7 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 28. Okt. 2023
Wonderful Stay!
Antwort der Unterkunft: We're so glad that you have chosen Lostvilla again. Thank you very much for your high recognition of our homenstay. Our homestay designs are meticulously crafted by designers, integrating the natural environment into our homestay. It's an honor to have your liking and we look forward to seeing you again in the future.
Boutique-Zimmer (2 Betten)
Aufenthalt im Juni 2023
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 21. Juni 2023
We had a lovely 3D2N stay at Lost Villa. The staff was both warm and welcoming, especially XiaoYi who patiently addressed all our questions and attended to our requests. Lost Villa is located in a very scenic area and photographers can easily capture beautiful photos.
Antwort der Unterkunft: We're glad to meet you all at Lostvilla. Thank you very much for your high recognition of our homenstay. Our homestay designs are meticulously crafted by designers, integrating the natural environment into our homestay. It's an honor to have your liking and we look forward to seeing you again in the future.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝小姐姐的5分好評呀,也非常感謝您對我們的認可和信任,在這次旅途選擇了我們大樂之野桃花源呀~客人的每一絲需求都是我們真誠為之努力的方向,我們也將繼續秉承用心做事、細心服務的服務理念,讓您在大樂的每一次居停都能感受到家的温暖呀。感謝這份緣分,我們會倍加珍惜,期盼與您的下次相見!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 非常感謝您對我們大樂的認可,您的滿意與讚譽不僅是對我們最大的認可,也是我們持續前行的動力和至高無上的榮譽。我們將一如既往的秉持高標準,確保衞生、服務的品質,致力於為您打造一個温馨舒適的住宿環境,讓您在大樂桃花源感受到賓至如歸的温暖與愜意,也祝願小姐姐一家未來的生活一直開開心心,萬事順意呀~如果有機會的話期待咱們的再次相見呀~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您的暖心好評呀~咱們大樂之野桃花源店是一家規模比較小的門店,我們一直主打的也是小而温馨的路線,門店的每一位小夥伴也在為此不斷努力着,希望能給每一位遠道而來的家人感受到像家一樣的温暖感。非常感謝你們能在眾多民宿中選擇入住大樂之野桃花源店,也感謝您對咱們的包容,每一份鼓勵的積聚才得以讓我們有了不斷前行的動力,咱們大樂在全國有十幾家門店哦,同時也不斷會有新的門店相繼和大家見面哦,相信您之後去的每一家大樂都能帶給您新的體驗和相同貼心的服務呀~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 嘿嘿,您的小管家飛奔而來,非常感謝小姐姐充滿愛心的點評!小管家真的超級感動的和小哥哥小姐姐早餐一聊也是非常愉快噠,小管家非常受益呢!也非常感謝您對我們服務的認可和支持呀,您的鼓勵就是我們前進最大的動力啦,也很驚喜您能喜歡小管家準備的胡辣湯和拍攝的照片呀!這裏也非常歡迎小哥哥小姐姐以後有機會再帶着小可愛一起來看下桃花源不同季節的美景呀,祝小哥哥小姐姐萬事順遂,天天開心~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 小i馬管家來啦🤣,首先很感謝小姐姐的5分好評呀,其次小管家感到非常幸運,您能在茫茫人海中選中我們民宿作為您停留片刻的驛站,並給咱們留下深刻的記憶,雖然過程中小管家i了一些,但不妨礙小管家真心實意的想要給咱們帶來不説最好但最舒服的服務和體驗哦,最後感謝遇見,有機會小管家也會應邀去小姐姐的家鄉看看噠,期待咱們的再一次相見哦~💕💕💕
Antwort der Unterkunft: 您的小管家薇薇上線啦~感謝您選擇我們大樂之野桃花源民宿,正如巴金所言,“美好而又温暖的東西在記憶深處”,願您的記憶裏總有我們民宿的一份温馨。咱們桃花源期望能以熱情而優質的管家服務,讓您在旅途裏可以住的舒心,住的滿意,期待您的下次光臨,希望您和您的家人朋友未來身體健康,萬事順遂,咱們有緣再見哦~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您這條施了魔法的好評,把我變成了一衹開心的螃蟹,不僅在店裡橫着走,還想和您説蟹蟹~❤咱們民宿十分歡迎大家帶着毛孩子過來玩噠,園區內風景十分優美,帶着狗狗林中漫步,確實真的很愜意吶,感謝您對小店的喜愛~期待您的再次光臨,我們將繼續用真心和熱情,將美好帶給更多人ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙
Antwort der Unterkunft: 您的小管家薇薇來啦,首先非常感謝小姐姐對我們的認可與好評呀,感受到了您滿滿的支持與用心呢我們一直努力為客人營造優雅、愜意的氛圍,讓所有客人能夠身心愉悦的享受我們貼心的服務,為咱們的旅途保駕護航,也很開心與小姐姐一家在桃花源裏創造出瞭如此快樂的一段美好回憶~誠摯地期待您的再次光臨,讓我們有更多的機會為您展示我們更高品質的服務呀,也祝小姐姐和您的家人平安如意、財源滾滾呀~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝小姐姐在百忙之中抽出寶貴的時間給咱進行點評!也非常感謝您在茫茫人海中選擇我們民宿作為您停留的驛站。同時也很開心小姐姐願意繼續相信咱們大樂,我們將不斷堅持提升服務品質,相信小姐姐下次入住其他門店的時候也能感受到不同的驚喜和相同的周到服務,最後也期待您有機會帶着咱的小可愛再來我們這玩呀~