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ShouShan ShiGuan

2 Bewertungen
basierend auf 2 Bewertungen
Öffnet heute um 9:00-17:00
Empfohlene Spielzeit: 1-2 Stunde
193 County Road, Jinan District, Fuzhou, ChinaKarte
Was andere Besucher sagten

Shoushan Stone Museum in China bears the sedimentation of Shoushan Stone Culture. As the first Shoushan Stone Museum, it has far-reaching and symbolic significance. At present, it is the only professional museum sponsored by the government that comprehensively introduces Shoushan Stone. It is the landmark building of Shoushan Stone Culture Village. Surrounding Shoushan Village is a trickling stream spring. On the bottom of the paddy field on both sides of Shoushan River, which surrounds the village, there is a kind of Shoushan Stone "King of Stones". Shoushan Stone, a Chinese treasure, is one of the four traditional seal stones in China.


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