Building 5, Times Square, Hangtian Avenue Two Section, Xichang, Sichuan, ChinaHoteldetails anzeigen
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Superior Doppelzimmer
Aufenthalt im Juli 2024
56 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 11. Sept. 2024
This chain has maintained their performance. This is the brand that you can always expect when you booked a jotel. Superb
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest,Thank you for your kind words and continued trust in our hotel chain. We are delighted to hear that we have maintained our performance and lived up to your expectations as a brand you can always rely on when booking a hotel. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to deliver a superb experience every time you choose to stay with us.We appreciate your recognition of our efforts and commitment to excellence. Rest assured that we will continue to uphold our high standards, ensuring that every aspect of your stay, from the moment you book to the moment you check out, exceeds your expectations.We look forward to welcoming you back soon and continuing to provide you with a memorable and superb hotel experience.Best regards,IHG Social Listening Team
Superior Doppelzimmer
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2023
12 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 12. Nov. 2023
What a filthy dump. Definitely pick another place in Xichang. I’ve been traveling in Sichuan and Tibet for nearly a month. This is the worst hotel, by far. I stayed in two other Holiday Inn Express and rated them both 5 in every category. Litang and Xinduqiao. This one however horrible. The room was absolutely filthy - carpets disgusting - muddy footprints in bathroom. Room 708 is a pig sty. Holiday Inn IHG should be embarrassed. The only redeeming item was the breakfast room was absolutely clean - great breakfast selection (even though I am not a breakfast eater) How can the food facility be so clean and the room so dirty? Go somewhere else. Service folks might try smiling or even saying speaking at all during check in. The folks at the other two Holiday Inn’s were very welcoming and friendly.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest,Thank you for sharing your honest feedback about the hotel. It's regrettable to hear that your experience did not meet your expectations, and that the cleanliness of the room fell short. It's also disappointing to hear that the service during check-in was lacking compared to other Holiday Inn Express hotels you've stayed at in the area.We take these concerns seriously, and we apologize for any inconvenience or discomfort caused during your stay. We will definitely be looking into the issues you mentioned regarding the room cleanliness and service quality, and taking steps to ensure that these problems are addressed promptly.On a positive note, we're glad to hear that you enjoyed the breakfast selection and that the breakfast room was clean. We hope you'll allow us another opportunity to provide you with a more enjoyable stay in the future.Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team
Zimmer, Stadtblick (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Juli 2023
22 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 13. Aug. 2023
Excellent service and location and at the desk the lady was so helpful and upgraded our room to suite 😀 we arrived late so she offered us better room as we were on pur honey moon trip .
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest,Thank you very much for the comments you shared.We are delighted to know that you had an excellent stay at our hotel and many thanks for your positive comments, they really are motivating for the whole team!We are happy to know that you are satisfied with our hotel's location and staff services.We look forward to having you stay with us again soon.Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team
JT an
Superior Doppelzimmer
Aufenthalt im Juli 2023
Reise mit Freunden
14 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 4. Aug. 2023
Front desk staff 陸远云was very friendly and helpful. But hotel looks a little tired and requires some renovation.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest,Thanks for choosing to stay with us and your recognition our front desk staff. Your valuable comments are great importance to us and served as a catalyst for our improvement.We look forward to having an opportunity to serve you again in the near future.Best regards,IHG Social Listening Team
Superior-Zimmer (2 Betten)
Aufenthalt im Nov. 2023
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 27. Dez. 2023
四个 good
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊貴的賓客您好,感謝您下榻並分享這份寶貴的點評。在遙遠的旅途中,家是一盞指引的明燈,是心靈的港灣。我們深知這一點,因此致力於為您打造一處温馨舒適的客房,讓您在旅途中依然能感受到家的温暖與關懷。我們的客房環境清新整潔,配備優質的床品,旨在帶給您最純粹的舒適體驗。每一個細節,都經過精心打理,衹為滿足您對家的渴望。除了舒適的客房環境,我們還提供熱情周到的專業服務。無論您有何需求,我們都會全力以赴滿足,確保您的每一次請求都能得到迅速、準確的迴應。早餐是一天的開始,也是家的味道的延續。我們為您準備了營養均衡的中西式早餐,讓您在旅途中也能享受到家的美味。無論您是中式胃還是西式胃,都能在這裏找到滿足的味道。誠邀您再次蒞臨!祝您工作順利,事事順心!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,您好!很開心和您相遇在西昌洲際智選假日酒店。小智家坐落於西昌市城區的繁華核心區域,緊鄰大型生活購物中心Walmart沃爾瑪與時代廣場,為您的購物與休閑生活帶來極大的便利與享受。僅需悠然步行約10分鐘,您便能踏入美食天堂——文滙路、航天路及西部村寨,盡情沉醉於西昌的地道美味與特色小吃之中。尤為值得一提的是,我們與國家旅遊度假勝地西昌邛海濕地公園相距僅車程約10分鐘,讓您在繁忙的日程中也能輕鬆擁抱大自然的靜謐與壯麗。此外,火把廣場亦僅步行15分鐘之遙,為您的西昌探索之旅增添一抹獨特的文化風情與色彩。我們為賓客提供温馨舒適的客房,採用簡約時尚的裝修風格,確保環境乾淨整潔。早餐豐盛可口,服務團隊熱忱專業,讓您在入住的每時每刻都能享受到輕鬆愉悦的體驗。期待與您的再次相遇!祝您生活愉快,萬事順意!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,您好!感謝您抽出寶貴的時間來為我們撰寫評論。旅途漫漫,我們致力於為您打造身心愉悦的旅居體驗。整潔乾淨的客房,精巧舒適,齊全而不多餘的設施設備能夠滿足您的出行所需,每日營養的安心早餐,高速的網絡服務,精緻的睡眠體驗,使您在長久的旅途奔波後獲享舒適休憩。期待您的再次光臨!祝您生活美滿幸福,事事順心如意!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
2 Einzelbetten Standard Obergeschoss Sonnenaufgang Blick
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的賓客,您好!萬千人海能與您相遇,小智是何其幸運!我們的房間整潔舒適,配備了高品質的床品和洗漱用品,旨在為每一位賓客營造出一個温馨如家、舒適宜人的住宿環境,讓您在旅途中也能享受到家的温暖與愜意。同時,我們的服務團隊始終秉持着熱情、專業的服務態度,為賓客提供貼心周到的服務,確保您在入住期間能夠感受到家一般的關懷與温馨。晚間提供的小吃,都是我們精心挑選的,旨在為賓客增添一份甜蜜與温馨。很高興聽到您對這些小吃的喜愛,我們會繼續努力。衷心期待您的再次蒞臨!祝您祝您新春愉快,闔家幸福,四季平安,萬事如意!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,您好!非常感謝您的肯定與好評!小智坐擁得天獨厚的地理位置優勢,其客房環境不僅整潔有序,而且舒適宜人。客房內的設施設備既精巧別緻,又一應俱全,充分滿足了賓客的各種需求。服務團隊更是以滿腔的熱情和無微不至的關懷,時刻關注着每一位賓客的體驗與感受。此外,我們還特別提供營養豐富、品種多樣的智選早餐,讓賓客在品嚐美食的同時,也能感受到如家般的温馨與愜意。期盼再次與您相遇!祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,您好!很榮幸與您相遇在西昌洲際智選假日酒店。我們有裝潢簡約時尚的大堂,整潔明亮的客房,配套設施齊全而不多餘,甄選優質睡床及軟硬雙枕,暢爽沐浴設施,營養早餐等為每位到訪的賓客營造一個休憩的舒適港灣。從您踏入小智家的那一刻起,我們的員工就將以最真誠的微笑、最專業的態度,迎接您的到來,並竭盡全力滿足您的需求。期盼與您的再次相會!祝您諸事順意,闔家幸福!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
2 Einzelbetten Standard Obergeschoss Sonnenaufgang Blick
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客官,您好!感謝您的入住並留下寶貴的體驗分享!我們的入住氛圍時尚舒適,服務周到貼心,環境乾淨整潔,還有齊全的各項現代化設施,使您在一天的盡興遊玩後回到房間能夠徹底放鬆身心。我們的特色早餐菜品有蔬菜沙拉,時令水果,健康粗糧,香脆穀物,中西式點心,粥類搭配醬菜,時令菜餚,炒飯炒麪,香腸雞蛋,吐司搭配黃油果醬,各種飲品與必不可少的智選現磨咖啡,更有具有本地風味的麪檔等,豐富您的味蕾。衷心期待您的再次蒞臨!祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,您好!非常感謝您對我們酒店的反饋,對於您在住宿期間遇到的不愉快經歷,我們深感抱歉!我們非常重視您的意見,特別是關於房間內鬧鐘的問題。我們已經將您的反饋傳達給了相關部門,並將立即採取行動,將所有房間的鬧鐘撤走,以避免類似問題再次發生。期待在未來的日子裏,能夠有機會再次為您服務,並向您展示我們改進後的成果。祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客官,您好!非常感謝您再次選擇入組我們酒店,並抽出寶貴時間為我們提供反饋。隨着時間的推移,酒店的部分設施可能會留下歲月的痕跡。儘管我們一直在努力進行維護與保養,但可能未能完全滿足您的期望。今後,小智也會加大保養的力度,加快更新的步伐。服務方面,我們將加強對前台團隊進行再次培訓,強調以賓客為中心的服務理念,確保每位賓客都能感受到我們的熱情與關懷。誠摯期待您再次蒞臨!祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客官,您好!很開心能夠帶給您愉快的居停體驗。為了您的到來,我們已做好萬全準備,熱誠貼心的前台接待,温馨整潔的房間,還有一早起來可口自助早餐。我們希望在這裏,為您提供的不止是停靠休憩的地方,更是如家一般温馨港灣。誠邀您再次蒞臨!祝您工作順利,事事順心!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,您好!感謝您在茫茫酒店中選擇小智,相伴雖短確不負相遇美好。小智為賓客提供優越的地理位置,整潔又可靠的環境、熱情又高效的專業服務、營養豐盛的早餐、免費網絡、優質睡眠、暢爽淋浴和優質床品等齊全的配套設施,打造簡單、睿智的出行體驗,呈現最優的性價比。期待與您的再次相遇!祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊