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Tracie West
Business-Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2024
7 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 22. Febr. 2024
My stay at Wutong Apartments was wonderful! The room was clean, spacious, modern, and aesthetically pleasing. There is bathtub is luxurious and spacious, the shower has great pressure and the the separate toilet room has a motion censored toilet seat and a bidet. The bed was comfy and the closet space begs you to unpack your suitcase. There were thoughtful amenities, including a loofah cloth and shoe shine cloths. Now...the breakfast. It was the best breakfast buffet I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Tinder and well seasoned steak, salmon, soups, desserts, breads, scrumptious pancakes and a salad bar that even included kale amongst the varied greens. Best of all, the service was exceptional. A special thank you to Li Ne, the dining staff and the housekeeper who attended to my room. I wish that every hotel stay I experience in the future is as amazing as my time at Wutong Apartment Hotel.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 【賓至如歸的入住體驗】【依汾水屹長風 暢享200種品類高端早餐】尊敬的賓客,您好!非常開心您選擇光臨我店,我們始終堅持視客人為親人,員工為家人,共同創造感動和温暖,看到我們的同事為您送上如此細緻貼心的服務,並得到您的認可我們十分榮幸,我們由衷的希望每一位來到這裏的賓客,都能享受一刻温馨愜意的時光,人生路漫漫,梧桐常相伴,希望不久的將來,還能與您相遇在此,祝您工作順利,生活愉快!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 【首日送歡迎水果一份】【住客免費健身和游泳】【洗浴用品採用全球知名愛爾尼品牌】尊敬的梧桐家人:您好!感謝您對山西梧桐公寓酒店的一見鍾情!美麗的時光,不經意間會邂逅誰的眼眸,文字裏泛舟,此次與您不期而遇,感謝這份緣分,我們會倍加珍惜,期盼與您的下次相見!祝:安好!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的梧桐家人,您好!感謝您入住山西梧桐公寓酒店,很抱歉我們的配套服務及環境未能提供符合您預期的體驗,這也絕不是梧桐一貫標準,您的反饋和意見對我們十分重要,我們已將您的評論分享至酒店管理層,以及相關部門的負責人,不為自己找藉口,認真自查反省總結。另外,酒店房間內有直飲機,瓶裝礦泉水您可隨時聯繫工作人員或客房服務為您送至房間內。您的不滿是因為對我們有更高的期待,是為了讓我們變得更好,感謝您的寶貴意見和建議,將激勵我們不斷繼續努力,採取更有效的措施去改善並提高,我們在第一時間將您反饋的問題採取更有效的措施去改善並提高,梧桐會繼續堅持“親情一家人”的服務理念,為每位顧客帶來賓至如歸的入住體驗,真誠的希望您的再次光臨,讓我們有機會為您奉上更好的服務。期待與您再次相見~~