31. Januar 2023
I'm posting photos here as proof of just how horrible and filthy this place is. It's the only motel in New Prague right now (and it should by rights be shut down by the Health Department). We arrived at about 5:00 p.m. to check in. We walked around the dining area and found all kinds of food on the floor and on chairs that hadn't been cleaned up after the 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. breakfast. Liquids were spilled all over, including on chairs and it all looked as if it'd been there for much longer than 1 day. The windowsill overlooking the pool area had dirt and grime on it. The hot tub was overflowing, and water covered the floor and was spilling into the pool. The woman at the front desk was horribly rude to us and got everything mixed up as far as our reservation went. When we got to our room, it smelled quite bad, almost as if something had died in the room. Also, the sink had no stopper and the water smelled of sewage. In the bathroom, the bath tissue fixture was pulled from the wall. We spent as little time as possible in the room, but we did a thorough walk through of it. We left for dinner, but before we did, a woman and her son were checking in. They had reserved 1 room with 2 beds for 2 nights. The very rude woman at the desk said, "No, you reserved 2 rooms with one bed each for 1 night." She then proceeded to be very rude to these people as well. When we returned after a few hours, I noticed a quite large stain on the floor at the end of the bed, which wasn't there when we left earlier. I asked my husband if he'd spilled something, but, he hadn't. He checked his socks and both of them had large red stains on them that looked like blood! I freaked out and I insisted that we were not staying there, and we went to the front desk to check out. The same woman who was rude to us upon checking in refused to give our money back for either of the two nights we were signed in for. My husband was as furious as I was about this whole situation. We phoned the New Prague Police Department and Officer Corey came there. We told him about the large bloodstain in our room and he told us that this was a civil case, and he couldn't get involved!!! At that point the rude receptionist (who also happened to be an owner of this rat hole) said, "It's probably menstrual blood and you are the ones who caused this. Then she said that nobody but us had been in the room for two days. As I'm well over 60 I am obviously WAY too old to have caused a stain like that and I was shocked that she said this to me. At that point we left and drove 15 miles to Lakeville and stayed in a very nice hotel there for the same price as the so-called "Quality" Inn.