Gerry Hotel (Nanning East Railway Station South Square)

Gerry Hotel (Nanning East Railway Station South Square) Bewertungen

Gerry Hotel (Nanning East Railway Station South Square)

66 Changhong Road (beside the South Square Consulting Station on the exit floor of East Railway Station), Qingxiu District, Nanning, Guangxi, ChinaHoteldetails anzeigen
Gerry Hotel (Nanning East Railway Station South Square)
Gerry Hotel (Nanning East Railway Station South Square)Gerry Hotel (Nanning East Railway Station South Square)Gerry Hotel (Nanning East Railway Station South Square)
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Gästezimmer (Doppelbett) (Hochwertige Bettausstattung+55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher+ Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2025
8 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 24. Febr. 2025
Arrived at about 10 pm by high speed train from Chaoshan Railway Station to Nanningdong Railway Station. The hotel is very near to the station's exit but it appears that there is no clear directional sign to the hotel. Asked around a couple of times before I found it. Facilities are adequate for those who just want to stay a night and to catch an early train the next morning. The take-away breakfast was a nice touch. It served my purpose as I took an early train to Baise. I have breakfast on the train. I am happy with my stay.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人:您好!感謝您選擇入住我們酒店!格麗酒店南寧東站店是廣西第一家也是唯一一家為高鐵旅客提供高品質綜合服務的中端連鎖品牌酒店,酒店按五星級標準配備了床墊及床上用品,同時使用55寸以上的oppo OLED電視、意大利EK中央空調,24小時新風系統,240M高速獨立寬帶,酒店提供有洗衣烘燙一體洗衣服務,商務商談服務(茶室、打印複印等),行李寄存,郵政快遞,英語、日語翻譯,免費降噪耳塞等。我們致力為您旅途的快樂時光提供最貼心的服務,祝您生活愉快!
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett) (Hochwertige Bettausstattung+55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher+ Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Nov. 2024
67 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 28. Dez. 2024
Ideal location if you need to catch a train early in the morning. located within the train station, decoration is nice.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人:您好!感謝您選擇入住我們酒店!格麗酒店南寧東站店是廣西第一家也是唯一一家為高鐵旅客提供高品質綜合服務的中端連鎖品牌酒店,酒店按五星級標準配備了床墊及床上用品,同時使用55寸以上的oppo OLED電視、意大利EK中央空調,24小時新風系統,240M高速獨立寬帶,酒店提供有洗衣烘燙一體洗衣服務,商務商談服務(茶室、打印複印等),行李寄存,郵政快遞,免費降噪耳塞等。我們致力為您旅途的快樂時光提供最貼心的服務,祝您生活愉快!
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett) (Hochwertige Bettausstattung+55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher+ Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2024
43 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 29. Mai 2024
It's INSIDE the train station so from 6am to 11pm you can listen the trains every time pass the station. Clean. Nice rooms without window but little noisy. The real name is Geli and only show this name outside the hotel. In the train station indications it's in Chinese
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您對我們酒店的支持,由於酒店地處南寧火車交通樞紐位置,正下方就是地鐵一號線,所以從早上6點至晚上12點地鐵運行會有一定的噪音,其餘時間是 比較安靜的。格麗酒店是格美集團旗下的中高端連鎖品牌,我們每個月都有專門的質檢部門對酒店進行服務和衞生質量檢查,相對其它單體品牌,我們的連鎖品牌更有保障。為了給客人極佳的入住體驗,我們配備了永恆朗悦酒店同款床墊,高質量床上用品,並在每個房間配備洗衣袋,酒店也有全天免費試用的洗衣房,配備洗衣機和烘乾機,小米熨燙機等設備,非常方便出差旅行的客人們。更有超大屏OPPO智能電視等設備,期待着您能再次光臨!
Huayi Chu
Superior Zweibettzimmer (Hochwertige Bettausstattung + 55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher + Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2024
8 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 2. Jan. 2025
Hard to find and facilities are not great. Not recommended for travellers who are looking for more than a bed.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人:感謝您選擇入住我們格麗酒店,沒能給您帶來十分滿意的住宿體驗,酒店深感抱歉!,酒店位於南寧火車東站南廣場負二樓出站層。交通樞紐(如動車站、飛機場、 汽車站等)的酒店主要給顧客提供中轉便利為主,以免因交通擁堵等突發狀況錯過第二天的行程!東站內的酒店都面臨地鐵噪音的影響,地鐵的運行時間是(6: 00-24: 00)會受噪音影響,酒店提供睡眠隔音降噪耳塞,其餘時間是非常安靜的!為了提高顧客8小時內的睡眠深度和質量,格麗酒店是格美集團旗下的中高端連鎖品牌,我們每個月都有專門的質檢部門對酒店進行服務和衞生質量檢查,相對其它單體品牌,我們的連鎖品牌更有保障。酒店關心顧客的睡眠質量,但因位置客觀原因,還希望顧客儘可能早到早睡,以免錯過第二天的行程,希望解答能給您出行提供幫助,也祝您生活愉快,事事順利!
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett) (Hochwertige Bettausstattung+55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher+ Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Febr. 2024
13 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 29. März 2024
Nice hotel, just outside of the railway station. Quite hard to find. You have to go down the escalator to find this underground hotel.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人:您好!感謝您選擇入住我們酒店!酒店處於東站正下方,下面就是地鐵一號線,早上6點到晚上12點地鐵進站會有一定的噪音,其餘時間是比較安靜的,酒店對面是東站美食一條街,有非常多的連鎖品牌餐廳供您選擇,非常方便需要出差中轉的商務客人!酒店按五星級標準配備了床墊及床上用品,同時使用55寸以上的oppo OLED電視、意大利EK中央空調,24小時新風系統,240M高速獨立寬帶,免費降噪耳塞等,都是為了給客人最佳的休息體驗,此外,酒店在每個房間都配備了免費的洗衣袋,並提供自助洗衣房,裏面有供客人使用的洗衣機和烘乾機,並有熨燙機,非常方便出差旅行的客人,期待您再次光臨!
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett) (Hochwertige Bettausstattung+55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher+ Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Juni 2024
13 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 23. Juli 2024
This hotel located in said the train station, in my opinion they built it just to cheat people because they didn’t consider about a lot of things, 1- it’s under ground witch is no windows 2- the noise is a lot 24/7 it’s like earthquake because always there is trains going and back 3- small very strong moldy stuff from the bathroom and the room is very humid 4- the bathroom is glass so if you are with someone in the room they can look at you when you’re **** 💩 whether is your wife or your kids. I recommend to close this hotel and I recommend people to think to find something out of the train station with the same price and much better quality, the idea of the location inside the station to catch the trains is worthless you can manage your time and you will be much more comfortable because the n this hotel is promise you that you will not sleep even an hour even if you are exhausted leave 10 , for the hotel please close and change your business model to car parking or something else so you can make money in a good way not cheating people
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的顧客,感謝您對我們酒店的支持!沒能給您帶來十分滿意的住宿體驗,酒店深感抱歉!交通樞紐(如動車站、飛機場、 汽車站等)的酒店主要給顧客提供中轉便利為主,以免因交通擁堵等突發狀況錯過第二天的行程!東站內的酒店都面臨地鐵噪音的影響,地鐵的運行時間是(6: 30-23: 30)會受噪音影響,酒店提供睡眠隔音降噪耳塞,其餘時間是非常安靜的。您所説的24小時有噪音是不存在的,因為夜間地鐵是不運行的。另酒店衞生間基本都貼了磨砂玻璃膜,衹有幾間房因材料原因沒有貼上,我們會盡快補足的,感謝您的意見,我們非常關注客人建議,祝您生活愉快!
Jenny Low
Superior Zweibettzimmer (Hochwertige Bettausstattung + 55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher + Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
3 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 5. Jan. 2024
Location was good for high speed train and easy access for travelling just underground of east station. Just the room very noise (train pass thru cos underground) and smelly due humidity water smell very strong, in room provide purifier need on asap to keep airflow. For transit still acceptable cos really convenient to catch train
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客:感謝你對我們酒店的支持,沒能給您帶來滿意的入住體驗,我們深感抱歉,由於酒店地處南寧火車東站交通樞紐位置,出門左轉下扶梯便是地鐵1號線,上扶梯就是進站口,所以在早上6點至晚上12點有存在一定的地鐵噪音,其餘時間還是比較安靜的,為了提高顧客8小時內的睡眠深度和質量,酒店使用的是五星級酒店(永恆酒店集團同款)專用的獨立彈簧床墊,厚5CM,讓顧客每個部位都有自然的承託,另外床單被套與客人皮膚接觸的布料採用的是80支紗300根的,達到裸睡標準根數。酒店前台還配備有免費降噪耳塞,有需要的可以自行到前台領取。祝您旅途愉快!
Superior Double Room (high Star Zero Pressure Bedding + Extra Large Space + 65 Inch OLED TV)
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2024
8 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 20. Febr. 2024
A nice place to be.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人:您好!感謝您的好評!我們酒店處於東站正下方,下面就是地鐵一號線,酒店對面是東站美食一條街,有非常多的連鎖品牌餐廳供您選擇,非常方便需要出差中轉的商務客人!酒店按五星級標準配備了床墊及床上用品,同時使用55寸以上的oppo OLED電視、意大利EK中央空調,24小時新風系統,240M高速獨立寬帶,免費降噪耳塞等,都是為了給客人最佳的休息體驗,此外,酒店在每個房間都配備了免費的洗衣袋,並提供自助洗衣房,裏面有供客人使用的洗衣機和烘乾機,並有熨燙機,非常方便出差旅行的客人,期待您再次光臨!
Superior Double Room (high Star Zero Pressure Bedding + Extra Large Space + 65 Inch OLED TV)
Aufenthalt im Febr. 2024
8 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 19. März 2024
The hotel is right next to the train station and subway, very convenient for traveling but because of this, the train vibration noise can be a problem for sensitive sleepers. The room is clean and well equipped for our needs and the Aircon works well, but the shower tray drains really slowly and you literally stand in your own shower puddle. Breakfast is minimal, all in a bag with bread, a boiled egg and cartoon milk. Also the hotel has a laundry room with washing machine and dryer. Overall we had a good stay in Nanning at this hotel.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 您好!感謝您對我們的肯定!酒店位於東站樞紐位置,上電梯便是火車東站進站口,酒店下方就是地鐵一號線,出行非常非常的方便。酒店選用的床上用品全是按照南寧萬豪(五星級)酒店標準採購,床墊厚度超過30CM,並配備了OPPO智能電視,歐科中央空調,240M高速獨立寬帶的設施,讓您有最佳的住宿體驗。非常感謝您選擇我們酒店,祝您生活愉快!
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett) (Hochwertige Bettausstattung+55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher+ Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Juli 2024
39 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 23. Sept. 2024
Under the train station... A big noicy...
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人:您好!感謝您對我們的肯定!酒店位於東站交通樞紐位置,上電梯便是火車東站進站口,酒店下方就是地鐵一號線,出行非常非常的方便。酒店選用的床上用品全是按照南寧萬豪(五星級)酒店標準採購,床墊厚度超過三十公分,並配備了高清智能電視,歐科中央空調,高速獨立寬帶,自助洗衣烘乾機等設施;目前酒店還升級了茶室休閑區,都為了讓您有最佳的住宿體驗。在每個房間我們還配備了免費的洗衣袋,並提供自助洗衣房,裏面有供客人使用的洗衣機和烘乾機,並有熨燙機,非常方便出差旅行的客人,非常感謝您選擇我們酒店,祝您生活愉快!
traveller labubu
Superior Double Room (high Star Zero Pressure Bedding + Extra Large Space + 65 Inch OLED TV)
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2024
26 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 14. Jan. 2025
nothing much to comment
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人:感謝您選擇入住我們格麗酒店,沒能給您帶來十分滿意的住宿體驗,酒店深感抱歉!,酒店位於南寧火車東站南廣場負二樓出站層。交通樞紐(如動車站、飛機場、 汽車站等)的酒店主要給顧客提供中轉便利為主,以免因交通擁堵等突發狀況錯過第二天的行程!東站內的酒店都面臨地鐵噪音的影響,地鐵的運行時間是(6: 00-24: 00)會受噪音影響,酒店提供睡眠隔音降噪耳塞,其餘時間是非常安靜的!為了提高顧客8小時內的睡眠深度和質量,格麗酒店是格美集團旗下的中高端連鎖品牌,我們每個月都有專門的質檢部門對酒店進行服務和衞生質量檢查,相對其它單體品牌,我們的連鎖品牌更有保障。酒店關心顧客的睡眠質量,但因位置客觀原因,還希望顧客儘可能早到早睡,以免錯過第二天的行程,希望解答能給您出行提供幫助,也祝您生活愉快,事事順利!
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett) (Hochwertige Bettausstattung+55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher+ Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2023
32 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 1. Juni 2023
Receptionist was very helpful. Outside environment was clean and interesting.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you very much for your evaluation of us. It's a pity that you are not very satisfied. Thank you for your affirmation of our service. The hotel is located in Nanning East Railway Station, only two minutes' walk away. All rooms are equipped with fresh air systems, and the hotel has added an air dehumidifier. If you need it, you can call the front desk directly. Have a good day.
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett) (Hochwertige Bettausstattung+55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher+ Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Juli 2023
4 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 15. Aug. 2023
I saw the reviews before I booked about the noise, but it was so much worse than I expected. Not only are there trains every 5 minutes that make it seem like an earthquake, but the water pump often also makes a loud noise and you can hear the other guests and staff through the walls. I got literally zero sleep, ear plugs are not enough to drown out the symphony of noises from all directions. The location is ok but being inside the train station with minimal signage is unacceptable. I would recommend anyone to stay 10 minutes away in a real hotel. The floors are really dirty, you can feel the pieces of dirt on your feet after walking on it. The sensory overload continued with a putrid smell of mould in the room. There was truly no escape from this awful experience. As we entered, other guests were complaining to the front desk, requesting a refund. I really don’t understand any of the positive reviews on this site. I have zero good things to say about this hotel, please, if you’re reading this review, go to a different hotel. There are many that are just 10 minutes away that would offer you a way superior experience.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常抱歉給您帶來的不愉快!由於我們酒店處於東站正下方,下面就是地鐵一號線,主要是方便出差中轉的商務客人,同時也存在一定的噪音影響,給您帶來的不愉快體驗我們深感抱歉。酒店客房的衞生我們保證是每日清潔,您所説的地面不乾淨我們也會努力整改的!前台有配備免費的降噪耳塞,同時配備五星睡眠床墊和24小時新風系統,希望能給您更好的體驗,祝您生活愉快!
Superior Zweibettzimmer (Hochwertige Bettausstattung + 55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher + Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Juni 2023
30 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 6. Aug. 2023
Given that this hotel is at the station, is a very positive point especially after a long trip. The hotel is a bit like a rabbit warren, rooms without windows as it is underground but it was clean and the room was big. The shower was delightful after sitting for so long. There are no other iminities and we had to leave without breakfast, even though it is included in the room rate. The name on the building is Gely, given the difficulty of saying the letter, r.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guests, thank you for your support to our hotel, I am sorry to leave you a little regret on your trip, your valuable advice is very important to us, the hotel is prepared a portable breakfast, from 6:00 am to 10:00 am to the front desk to collect Oh, during the stay of any questions welcome you to the front desk consultation! Looking forward to seeing you again!
Superior Kingsize Zimmer (Hochwertige Bettausstattung + 55 Zoll OLED-Fernseher + Frischluftsystem)
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2022
2 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 28. Jan. 2023
Good experience just only the location coz it’s under the train station so it’s a bit noisy, rather than that over all it was a good experience and the staff is quite friendly
Antwort der Unterkunft: It's so lucky to meet you. Thank you very much for your valuable comments. Your comments are our greatest motivation! As the hotel is located in high-speed railway station, it will inevitably produce some noise, and we are deeply sorry for causing you trouble.Dedicated service will give you a different experience!