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Guestroom (2 Beds) (Floor Heating) (Special)
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2023
15 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 10. Jan. 2024
I paid 20£ per night in January, about 10£ higher than the other hotels in the area and I was pleasantly surprised. Check-in was very friendly and the lady at the desk showed me my room, which was so warm by then I had to immediately take off my jacket (floor heating is amazing). She also explained how the oxygen machine worked (included in the price), which is actually the reason why I chose this place instead of the other cheaper offerings. Good Internet. Clean facilities. I slept through the night rather well for being at 4000m.a.s.l. Next morning I took a shower and the water was extremely hot and plentiful. Only cons is that it's not near the town centre so you will have to walk for about 1-1.5km. Restaurants and supermarkets just in front of the hotel.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear friend, hello! Thank you for your evaluation and affirmation of Snow Love Song Hotel. The hotel is located on the side of National Highway 318, with convenient transportation. The hotel provides free oxygen generator. If you encounter any problems during your stay, you can call the front desk to help you solve them. I look forward to your stay again! I hope you will light up all the little stars then!
Guestroom (2 Beds) (Floor Heating) (Special)
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
6 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 2. Dez. 2023
Easy to find hotel, not so close to city center but big room and heated floor with oxygen supply very heplful
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest: Hello! Thank you very much for your stay and stay! I am glad to bring you a wonderful time on your trip. Your Lei Chang has been a great source of sour dance for Zijiu Gu, and it is also a driving force for our progress. We will continue to maintain our enthusiasm and make every real guest feel like they are staying in the day. We look forward to your visit again! Welcome back to experience again, wish you a happy life! Dear guest: Hello! Thank you very much for your stay and stay! I am glad to bring you a wonderful time on your trip. Your Lei Chang has been a great source of sour dance for Zijiu Gu, and it is also a driving force for our progress. We will continue to maintain our enthusiasm and make every real guest feel like they are staying in the day. We look forward to your visit again! Welcome back to experience again, wish you a happy life!
Guestroom (2 Beds) (Floor Heating) (Special)
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2023
11 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 26. Juni 2023
Great Hotel. Did not expect the quality of service and amenities at this altitude. Given the remoteness of the location I did not expect much, but it was great. The staff was very helpful and accommodating. Breakfast is simple, nothing fancy but appropriate. Water pressure was good, temperature could've been a bit better. Overall for the location and the price very reccomended.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you very much for choosing our Xueyu Love Song Hotel. To hear your recognition of our hotel is an affirmation to us. We will improve it and welcome you to stay at Litang County Xueyu Love Song Hotel again!
Guestroom (2 Beds) (Floor Heating) (Special)
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
9 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 4. Mai 2023
Such a comfortable hotel , super hot showers, soft beds and heated floors are so nice after many days hiking. Everything is great but especially the kind and helpful staff. Location is not in central Litang but you could walk 15 min or the staff helped us call a taxi.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear friend: Hello! We are very sorry to bring you a bad experience, the hotel is also constantly updated facilities and equipment, hoping to give each guest a warm check-in environment, looking forward to your re-stay! Wish: Happy Life!
Marcus Leslie
Guestroom (2 Beds) (Floor Heating) (Special)
Aufenthalt im Juli 2022
3 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 18. Aug. 2022
A nice, modern and clean, comfortable hotel. Well located on the main road into Litang. The staff were very helpful in directing us to the best place to get covid tests to make sure we were always up to date. A perfect stop over on our road trip to and from yading daocheng.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear friends, thank you for giving Snow Love Song in all aspects of the full praise! Our service can give you a deep impression, let you choose the hotel, is also our team's honor ^ Your Satisfaction Is Our driving force. We will, as always, take the needs of each guest as the center and provide sincere service. Thank you for your recognition of the hotel, we will cherish this recognition, continue to maintain and improve service. I look forward to meeting you again in the sky city-litang!
Phillip Gregory Music
Snow Region Cozy Double Bed Room (Oxygen Generator + Heated Floor + Humidifier)
Aufenthalt im Juni 2022
22 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 30. Juli 2022
The hotel has the most polite and well mannered receptionist I have ever encountered in my life. She was charming and extremely helpful during check in. The hotel is clean and quiet and in a good location. Fantastic experience in general.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear friends, thank you very much for giving snow love song in all aspects of the full praise! Our service, can give you a deep impression, and give the Super High Evaluation, is also our team's honor ^ Thank you for the hotel's recognition, we will cherish your recommendation, and continue to maintain and improve the service. I look forward to meeting you again in the World High city-litang!
Whole Room Oxygen-Enriched Double Bed Room (Heated Floor + Humidifier)
Antwort der Unterkunft: 【全屋彌散供氧】【全屋地暖】【免費停車】【充電樁】:親愛的朋友,您好!首先,我們非常感謝您選擇理塘雪域情歌酒店作為您的旅程中的休息之地。我們一直致力於為每一位旅客提供舒適、安全且優質的住宿體驗。對於您在發現衞生間有頭髮的這一情況,我們深感抱歉,這絕非我們的期望。我們知道您對於這個問題深感困擾和不便,我們也對此深感痛心。關於衞生間的頭髮問題,這可能涉及到過往的旅客在未經完全清潔的環境下留下的。我們已經實施嚴格的衞生規定和流程,要求每位工作人員每日徹底清潔所有公共區域,包括衞生間。對於此次的不符合規定情況,我們會對該問題進行徹底的調查和改進。同時,我們也明白您的反饋是對我們服務的提升至關重要的一部分。我們會積極對待這個問題,找出問題根源並加以解決。請您知道,您的滿意度是我們最關心的事情,我們會竭盡全力去滿足您的需求和期望。關於這次問題,我們承諾會採取積極的措施來改善我們的服務。我們會加強對酒店員工的培訓和管理,提高我們的清潔標準和頻率,以確保這樣的問題不再發生。我們也會對酒店進行定期的衞生檢查和評估,確保我們的服務始終符合您的期待。再次向您表示深深的歉意,並感謝您的反饋。我們期待在未來的日子裏為您提供更好的服務。如果您有任何其他的問題或需要進一步的幫助,請隨時聯繫我們的酒店前台(24小時)。再次感謝您的理解和支持!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 【全屋彌散供氧】【全屋地暖】【免費停車】【充電樁】:親愛的朋友,您好!首先,感謝您選擇我們的酒店並分享了寶貴的評價。對於您所提到的房間大、配備製氧機以及早餐豐富的評價,我們深感欣慰。關於房間大小,我們一直致力於為客人提供寬敞舒適的住宿環境。您提到了房間的空間很大,我們對此深感自豪,因為這正是我們精心設計的結果。寬敞的空間可以令您的旅程更加舒適,有助於放鬆和休息。對於配備的製氧機,我們知道在高原地區,空氣中的氧氣可能對某些旅客的呼吸造成一定的挑戰。為此,我們特地為房間配備了製氧機,確保每一位客人都能在高原上得到充足的氧氣供應,享受舒適的住宿體驗。您的反饋讓我們知道這一舉措是正確的,我們對此感到非常高興。至於早餐部分,我們一直堅信,一頓豐盛的早餐是開啟美好一天的關鍵。您提到了我們的早餐豐富,我們深感欣慰。我們的餐廳團隊一直致力於為客人提供多樣化的美食選擇,確保每一位客人都能找到自己喜歡的食物。您的肯定是對我們工作的最大鼓勵。最後,我們非常感謝您的選擇和分享。您的滿意和好評是我們前進的動力。我們會繼續努力提供優質的服務和舒適的住宿環境。再次感謝您對酒店的認可和支持,期待您的再次光臨!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 【全屋彌散供氧】【全屋地暖】【免費停車】【充電樁】:親愛的朋友,您好!首先,我要感謝您抽出寶貴的時間為我們提供反饋。我們非常重視每一位客人的意見和建議,因為它們是我們不斷改進和提升服務質量的關鍵驅動力。 關於您提到的酒店房間乾淨衞生和服務周到,我感到非常高興聽到您對我們的服務表示滿意。我們一直致力於提供最高標準的清潔度和舒適度,而您的反饋證實了我們在這方面的努力是值得的。其次最近酒店新升級了中央彌散富氧房間,我們相信,通過引入彌散富氧技術,我們的客房環境得到了顯著的提升,您能夠在這裏享受到純凈、健康的居住環境!再次感謝您抽出寶貴的時間為我們提供反饋,我們期待在未來的日子裏為您提供更好的服務!
Snow Region Cozy Budget Double Bed Room (Oxygen Generator + Heated Floor + Humidifier)