Group 3, Zhaoxing Village, Zhaoxing Town, Liping, Guizhou, ChinaHoteldetails anzeigen
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1 Nacht
514 Bewertungen
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Gästezimmer (Doppelbett)
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2024
16 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 9. Juni 2024
First time coming to GuiZhou! This hotel is nearby tourist attraction. But my room is on 3rd floor so many steps up ! Not recommended for old people. I was disappointed that I booked 2 night but bedsheet was not tidy up and bathroom was not cleaned after 1 night. Hope they have some improvement
Antwort der Unterkunft: 首先感謝您選擇咱們家,歡迎您的到來,其一咱們家有幾個房型,不同樓層都有房間,根據到店客人的喜愛,前台這邊在房間充裕的情況下都會諮詢客人,要高樓層還是低樓層,畢竟沒有電梯。入住那天,我帶您選的房間。想着您選擇了高樓層,應該是不介意爬樓梯,年輕人不是。其二咱們家續住打掃,更換垃圾袋,補水補洗漱用品,床品以及私人物品,沒經客人要求和允許,不碰。遺憾這次沒能給您帶來舒適的體驗。感謝您的建議,讓我們在服務上完善細節,給客人帶來更好的體驗!期待您第二次來貴州!這邊祝您生活愉快,自在隨心!!!
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett)
Aufenthalt im Mai 2023
10 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 28. Juni 2023
The hotel is positioned at a relatively higher geographical area. If you get one of the rooms that faces the village, you can have an amazing view of the buildings.
The concierge was immensely helpful and friendly. They provided me with awesomely reliable recommendations for places to visit, things to do or restaurants to eat at. They also helped me book event tickets and find cars to get to scenic spots.
Additionally, I had a few great talks with them. They hold a simple and honest attitude for life, just like the other villagers I talked to here. On top of everything, they give free sweet snacks!
Great everything! Unlimited supplies of water!
I saw a stain or so on a pillow. But overall, apart from it, it was nice and neat.
Highly recommended.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you fou your recognition and liking of our feedom. Could you peease expiain abit Next, there will be some marks of disinfectant water on the bedding. This is the laundry room that will uniformly steam and disinfect all bedding and towels after the epidemic. However, in small areas, the laundry room does not have such advanced equipment and relies on manual mixing of disinfectant. Sometimes, the concentration is too high, causing some burn damage to the cotton fabric and leaving marks. Later, when some funds are collected, all the bedding and towels will be replaced. Our inn is located halfway up the village gate, It only takes 2-3 minutes to walk along the main street of the village. Compared to other inns in the village, our family is a relatively quiet one. Dedicated service is the direction that our inn friends have always been striving for. Being recognized by our families is the driving force for our progress. Thank you for staying in Zishan Residence. Wishing you a pleasant journey~!
Gästezimmer (Doppelbett) (Balkon)
Aufenthalt im Aug. 2023
4 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 16. Sept. 2023
Good location just back from the busy part of town. Very helpful and friendly service. However, sound proofing is poor. Slept badly due to noises from different guests.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you for staying in Zishan Residence. Our house is located halfway up the mountain at the entrance of the village, relatively quiet compared to the inn on the main street. The buildings in Dong Village are mainly made of wooden materials, so the sound insulation effect is not as good as it is. We apologize for not providing you with a good check-in experience.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您選擇入住自在山居,客棧就在高鐵班車下車點邊上,步行到客棧兩分鐘,客棧走主街衹需要2-3分鐘的路程,,出行便利。侗年好熱鬧,來的客人都沒空搭理我。不過看您們玩得開開心心回來,我也能不出門跟着一起開心,哈哈哈。攻略不能沒有,它能讓您們更快的熟悉,瞭解侗寨,其它飯店有機會我也嘗一遍,每家飯店應該都有自己的拿手菜。有機會再約自在山居,祝您生活愉快,自在隨心~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 還是要感謝您們的選擇,讓我有機會吃到蛋糕,在房源充裕的情況,盡我所能給您們更好的入住體驗,觀景大床房的視野真的不錯,大露台躺平曬太陽喝喝小酒,哈哈。三天時間估計兩天曬太陽,一天出門玩。很高興認識您們,謝謝您們的蛋糕,原諒我在您們門口等吃。吃要積極,不好意思讓您再跑一趟。有機會再約自在山居,祝您生活愉快,自在隨心!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您選擇入住自在山居,我們的家園坐落在風景如畫的半山腰,距離寨子口的主街僅幾步之遙。頂樓觀景房更是一大亮點,可飽覽寨子全景,盡享山水之美。在這裏,您可以盡情享受大自然的美麗和寧靜,同時我們也會以最熱情的服務讓您感受到家的温暖。我們期待與您再次相聚!祝您在這裏度過一個難忘的時光,也祝願您的生活充滿陽光和快樂!