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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Lihue

OUTRIGGER Kaua'i Beach Resort & Spa
4/5115 Bewertungen
This is a good resort if you can get a reasonable rate, which we did. If you book directly through the resort the prices seem high for the value. One of the jacuzzis did not work and the other one was quite crowded during our stay. The location was good and reaching all areas of the island was easy and convenient. The lounge had good service, drinks, food and entertainment nightly which was a good plus. We found the staff to be very helpful and polite. I would think this resort would be good for families. The rooms are a little dated but it appears that upgrades are being made. The rooms really need a sheer curtain on the sliding door to the lanai. We found the big wooden plantation doors that you slide close to be bothersome and clumsy. We would stay here again due to the great staff and welcoming service we received.
The Royal Sonesta Kauai Resort Lihue
4.3/5102 Bewertungen
To celebrate our 30th anniversary my wife and I planned a trip to visit Oahu, Kauai and the Big Island during September 2024. After spending a week at the Royal Hawaiian and then Disney’s Aulani resorts we traveled to Kauai and stayed several nights at the Royal Sonesta. Since this was a special occasion I didn’t mind spending a lot to experience the best of what Hawaii has to offer. Unfortunately, I did not find that experience at the Royal Sonesta. The first sign that our time at the Royal Sonesta was going to be far different than the other deluxe resorts was when we arrived at the main entrance. When we arrived another guest was being assisted with their luggage and partially blocked the driveway so we waited behind them. About 4-5 minutes passed and none of the bellmen acknowledged us or attempted to direct us to where we could be assisted with our luggage and valet of the vehicle. When another vehicle arrived behind us one of the bellmen ignored me but waved for the other driver to pull up. After the other vehicle had passed us the bellmen assisted them but neither he nor the other bellmen acknowledged us so I drove up and stopped near the bell service desk. Even though I was right in front of several bellmen who were not assisting other guests none of them welcomed us or offered to assist us with our luggage or valet our vehicle. Unfortunately this left my wife, daughter and I to carry our luggage through a service corridor and down an elevator since luggage is not allowed on the escalator which takes you to the check in desk. The appearance of the resort overall was nice but the design was a bit dated and the common areas were not well cared for. The resort staff were helpful, but not exceptionally friendly or welcoming when not involved in providing a service. If you’re planning a special trip and looking for a special experience and superior service I’d suggest looking to another resort.

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