No. 30, Anmin Lane, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys Historical and Cultural Block, Nanjie Sub-district, Gulou District, Fuzhou, Fujian, ChinaHoteldetails anzeigen
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Aaron Quigley Clarke
Guang Lu Ming Xiang Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2024
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 4. Nov. 2024
Beautiful hotel. The staff were so helpful and even bought a cake for my wife as it was her birthday.
Can also recommend the breakfast
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guests, thank you for your positive comments! We look forward to your next visit. Your family, especially your little one, has left a very deep impression on us. We wish you a happy life!
Guang Lu Ming Xiang Elegant Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2024
6 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 3. März 2024
First of all, is a very nice place. Few steps from the hotel you be accessing to the centre of 3 lanes 7 alley. For staff, they have been very helpful and responsive. When we check out, the staff help me to carry the bags (quite heavy) to the main road (about 100m away). We felt very appreciative.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear guest, it is my pleasure to serve you! I am very happy that you have a wonderful stay here, thank you for your praise, look forward to your frequent visit, I wish you a happy life!
Widya Airlangga Beijing
Familienfreundliche Suite
Aufenthalt im Nov. 2023
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 10. Jan. 2024
During the Christmas holiday, we chose to stay at this hotel and reserved the family room, consisting of two interconnected rooms with a connecting door. The bathroom impressed us with its good quality, efficient hot water shower, and the added comfort of a warm toilet seat equipped with a water jet spray. The breakfast offered a traditional Chinese style with dumplings, porridge, fruits, and more. The standout feature of this hotel is its prime location in the heart of the renowned Three Lanes Seven Alleys area, surrounded by numerous traditional shops and cuisines. Although the sound insulation could be improved, as we could hear the voices from the adjacent room, given the hotel's heritage site setting, we understand there are limitations. The hotel staff were attentive, addressing our needs and even assisting with travel arrangements to the airport. Overall, our stay was satisfying.
Antwort der Unterkunft: We are pleased that you have chosen to stay at the Anmin Hotel in Fuzhou.Thank you for sharing your stay experience.We look forward to serving you again.Wishing you a happy life.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的貴賓,您好!感謝您做出的寶貴點評!能為您帶來好的居住體驗我們感動非常榮幸,人生就是一站接着一站的旅途,安民半舍則是您值得停靠的港灣,請您把疲憊留在紛擾的大人世界,安心感受這一刻的寧靜和温暖,我們全心致力於為您提供温馨和舒適的入住體驗,從您下車踏上福州這片土地開始。感恩遇見!小安期待與您再次相會,為您創造更多愉快的回憶!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的家人,您好!感恩您選擇下榻安民半舍,與我們共度一段美好的時光並給予最誠摯的點評!您對我們的喜愛和讚許,就是對我們最大的肯定,簡單而樸實的話語最打動人心!我們向來重視細節服務,重視每一位家人的切身感受,很開心您的福州之行變得輕鬆愉快順心,期待您的再次光臨,祝您生活愉快,笑口常開!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,您好!抱歉給您不好的體驗!對房間温度的感覺可能存在個體感覺差異,近二週入住的客人都未曾反映這個房間的空調問題,收到您的反饋和升級換房訴求後我們已經及時的在做後續的協調和溝通,您的預訂單未包含房型升級的權益,且當日又客滿,最後引導您看過房間後應急給您換到這個閣樓房(平時未外售,會客使用),無奈木柱子熱脹冷縮開裂的異響對您產生了困擾,再次向您表示歉意!次日我們也考慮過想給您繼續換房,但第二天也是客滿的狀態。我們會反饋給街區和文物主管部門一起加強老建築的養護。我們的早餐非自助式,用餐高峯期未能按約定的時間及時給您上餐是我們工作的不到位,相關崗位當日已經進行了內部批評和問責,感謝您的包容!古厝文保建築保護好也要利用好,我們做為承租方,一定虛心接受各方建議,維護好各類建築和設備設施,蘋果樹我們一定照顧好,同時也期待您的再次光臨!一起見證我們的成長和進步。祝您生活愉快!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的家人,您好!感謝您聞琴而來!各房型的面積我們都有明確標註哦,期待您下次來給您升級體驗我們的其他房型,我們還有專業的古琴老師,期待和您一起交流哦!您説的服務温度問題,我們很重視,春節接待確實累,但累也不是理由,我們會加強服務規範,引導微笑服務,感謝您的指正!祝您喜樂長安,生活愉快!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,您好!感謝您在百忙之中抽出寶貴的時間為民宿進行點評!出門就能盡收坊巷美景,靜坐便可感受鬧中幽靜,最好的服務衹為最好的您,福州這片土地永遠好客,永遠温暖,永遠期待您的到來。感恩您,願美好的生活與您環環相扣,小安期待與您再次相會,為您創造更多愉快的回憶!--安民•温暖常在。
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的家人,您好!感謝您學富五車的點評分享,高山流水遇知音,看到您對安民.半舍如此喜愛,小安們開心且感動!!!安民·半舍是一個佛學禪意的解讀,不講究極滿,退一步是大德,一坊半舍,一半一半,方得圓滿。我們遵循有肌理、可持續的美學理念,採用琴韻命名以及動線串聯,每間客舍的名字都是一位古琴大師用著名的古琴曲譜名給取的哦:)您口中的策劃人也是我們的老朋友,“山河不足重,重在遇知己,相知無遠近,萬里尚為鄰”,安民.半舍被二位讀得生動且透徹,是才華與美好的碰撞,感恩遇見!您描寫的兩邊茶室品茗的畫面都十分美好,這就是愛情與浪漫的具象化,此情可待成追憶!半舍有愛情和友情,更有親情和温情,智者善學,智者擇善而居,正如您所言:的確,”世界真奇妙“,生活真美好!