31. Januar 2023
Hotel clearly promotes itself as a tranquil getaway. Their own copy says ‘Ideal choice for tranquillity and a relaxing break’ and as a ‘world of tranquillity’ ‘set in a quiet location’ that ‘offers a unique location to enjoy your vacations in absolute tranquillity.' However while the first part of our stay was quite tranquil, the second half was ruined as they held a large gathering of international running teams without notifying other patrons. I was amongst other disgruntled customers who could now no longer use the pool or even sit out on their balcony without the noise of large groups carrying portable speakers and parting by the pool, group bombing into the pool for their selfies, wrestling, screaming and yelling across the gardens to eachother - anything but tranquil. I complained but was told guests were 'free to party'. The problem with this hotel is that it's in quite an isolated location, and the restaurant isn't great, so you really are compromising in order to get the tranquility. If you don't have that, then you may as well go somewhere else where you at least will have better access to other attractions, you know what to expect from what they promise and where you'll probably get much better value for money.