Der Cannery ist ein cooler Raum in Fisherman's Wharf, der Restaurants, Bars und kühle kleine Geschäfte bietet. Im Gegensatz zu Ghirardelli Square ist es viel kalter und ruhiger. Wenn Sie einen Ort brauchen, um zu ruhen oder zu essen, kommen Sie hier.
Not much going on here it seems, a few bars and small shops, but nothing too impressive. Part of SF history, though.
The Cannery is a nice brick building yet the shops seem to turn over fairly frequently. Still, find a little coffee shop and enjoy a moment here.
While visiting Fisherman's Wharf, you might want to make a stop at The Cannery. Now a shopping & restaurant complex, it is one of many San Francisco facilities which have been re-purposed & maintained over many years. Built by Del Monte in the early 20th century, this was once the world's largest fruit-canning plant. A mall, since the 1960's, the Cannery contains at least 30 shops & restaurants, including several locations for casual snacks or meals. The courtyard features vendors & sidewalk cafes. Lots of street performers are there, primarily to entertain the tourists....nothing special. The Cannery can be reached on the Hop On/Hop Off bus or by bus, cable car or street car.
1795年,法国皇帝拿破仑率军征战四方,长时间生活在船上的海员,因吃不上新鲜的蔬菜、水果等食品而患病,有的还患了严重威胁生命的坏血症。由于战线太长,大批食品运到前线后便会腐烂变质,他希望解决打仗行军时储粮的问题,于是法国政府用12000法郎的巨额奖金征求一种长期贮存食品的方法,如果有人能发明防止食品变质的技术和装备,就将这笔巨款奖给他。很多人为了得奖,都投入了研究活动。其中经营蜜饯食品的法国人尼古拉·阿佩尔(Nicolas Appert, 1749-1841)夫妇用全部精力进行不断的研究和实践,终于找到了一个好办法:把食品装入宽口玻璃瓶,用木塞塞住瓶口,放入蒸锅加热,再将木塞塞紧,并用蜡封口。
Der Cannery ist ein cooler Raum in Fisherman's Wharf, der Restaurants, Bars und kühle kleine Geschäfte bietet. Im Gegensatz zu Ghirardelli Square ist es viel kalter und ruhiger. Wenn Sie einen Ort brauchen, um zu ruhen oder zu essen, kommen Sie hier.
Not much going on here it seems, a few bars and small shops, but nothing too impressive. Part of SF history, though.
The Cannery is a nice brick building yet the shops seem to turn over fairly frequently. Still, find a little coffee shop and enjoy a moment here.
While visiting Fisherman's Wharf, you might want to make a stop at The Cannery. Now a shopping & restaurant complex, it is one of many San Francisco facilities which have been re-purposed & maintained over many years. Built by Del Monte in the early 20th century, this was once the world's largest fruit-canning plant. A mall, since the 1960's, the Cannery contains at least 30 shops & restaurants, including several locations for casual snacks or meals. The courtyard features vendors & sidewalk cafes. Lots of street performers are there, primarily to entertain the tourists....nothing special. The Cannery can be reached on the Hop On/Hop Off bus or by bus, cable car or street car.
1795年,法国皇帝拿破仑率军征战四方,长时间生活在船上的海员,因吃不上新鲜的蔬菜、水果等食品而患病,有的还患了严重威胁生命的坏血症。由于战线太长,大批食品运到前线后便会腐烂变质,他希望解决打仗行军时储粮的问题,于是法国政府用12000法郎的巨额奖金征求一种长期贮存食品的方法,如果有人能发明防止食品变质的技术和装备,就将这笔巨款奖给他。很多人为了得奖,都投入了研究活动。其中经营蜜饯食品的法国人尼古拉·阿佩尔(Nicolas Appert, 1749-1841)夫妇用全部精力进行不断的研究和实践,终于找到了一个好办法:把食品装入宽口玻璃瓶,用木塞塞住瓶口,放入蒸锅加热,再将木塞塞紧,并用蜡封口。