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Deluxe-Zimmer, 1 Doppelbett
Aufenthalt im Nov. 2024
5 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 2. Febr. 2025
Excellent secluded ranch with amazing view at the cafe. Highly recommended for families or couples who enjoy nature. There is dinner that can be purchased in the lobby area.
The night sky is amazing and can be enjoyed from the room itself!
Antwort der Unterkunft: This place is designed to provide you all with a retreat away from the hustle and bustle and a chance to get close to nature. It makes all our efforts worthwhile to know that you like it. The scenery of the café is a gift from nature as well as the result of our careful site selection.The dinner served in the lobby is also meticulously prepared by us, hoping to bring you convenience and delicious food. The stunning night sky visible from the rooms is the romantic experience we aim to create for every guest. We're truly grateful that you recommended us to families and couples who love nature. Looking forward to your next visit.
Deluxe-Zimmer, 1 Doppelbett
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2024
Reise mit Freunden
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 15. Juli 2024
Omg!! Very very beautiful indeed.
Even though there’s only one person that can speak english, all of the staff is very helpful to us.
The food tasted awesome!
I really like it here….
Antwort der Unterkunft: Your compliments are the highest compliments to our meticulous arrangement. In this exotic land, we serve with care and the taste of the food will make you unforgettable. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful memories and looking forward to seeing you again in the future.
Anonymer Benutzer
Deluxe-Zimmer, 1 Doppelbett
Aufenthalt im März 2024
10 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 13. Apr. 2024
We are so impressed with the service & this place. The location is amazing & they had coffee shop on top of the mountain. They provided free pick up and drop off from Lijiang AND they also gave free ride to the Yulong Snow Mountain. The staffs went above and beyond to help us with everything including booking the cable car ticket. They can speak English which were very helpful as we cannot speak Mandarin. Highly recommend this to everyone!!
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear Guest,We sincerely appreciate the high praise and commendation you have bestowed upon us.We have always striven to offer attentive service and a cozy accommodation experience to all our guests, and we are ecstatic that you have acknowledged our endeavors.Your recommendation means a lot to us, and it serves as a motivation for us to keep enhancing our service quality, ensuring a delightful experience for every guest. We eagerly anticipate your return ,Thank you again for your support and recommendation,We wish you a happy life!
Deluxe-Zimmer, 1 Doppelbett
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2024
21 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 31. Mai 2024
We were very amazed by the warm hospitality and kindness of heart in this place. The cottage is so amazing and beautiful. Luxury is the best way to describe it. 小七 our main contacted housekeeper: he is so friendly and attentive to details. Sharing with us about lots of things about local culture and traditions. He speaks English too! Every staff is amazing and their service is world class. I recommend this place to all to come and stay. The natural beauty is breathtaking and you will feel so relaxed and peaceful when you stay there. Again thank you all staffs and looking forward to come back and stay here again.
Their service including transportation, free horse riding and sunrise coffee shop etc. 5 star for all.
Antwort der Unterkunft: We are honored and delighted by your praise for our hotel and staff. True service is like a mountain stream, pure and simple, yet able to warm the heart. Our meticulously designed rooms aim to blend luxury and comfort, creating a cozy home-like atmosphere for you. Our staff pays close attention to your needs and provides attentive service to make you feel at home. Take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the scenery, allowing your mind and soul to find peace and healing. Thank you for choosing us, and we look forward to welcoming you back and creating more wonderful memories together.
Deluxe-Zimmer, 1 Doppelbett
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2024
6 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 27. Mai 2024
Everything is excellent. The view is astonishing. The experience is incredible and memorable. I would like to return to this place .
Antwort der Unterkunft: Your satisfaction is our top priority and the driving force behind our exceptional service. We are dedicated to creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, reminiscent of the comfort of home, allowing you to find a moment of tranquility amidst your busy travels. The breathtaking scenery resembles a masterpiece, with the sunrise and stars illuminating your experience, undoubtedly making it difficult for you to say goodbye. Each encounter here becomes a cherished memory, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to welcome you back once again.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 為了讓大家住得舒心,我們可下了不少功夫。房間的佈置也是精心設計的,床品、大屏幕電視,還有小露台,就是盼着能給你最舒適的體驗,躺着看星空,想想都愜意。餐飲方面,剛到就送上的熱湯,是我們想給你的温暖問候,能合你口味,太好啦!帶你們去咖啡台看日出,也是希望能給你留下一段難忘的回憶。真心期待你下次再來,我們一定準備更貼心的服務,給你更多驚喜!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 能讓你們在我們這山谷中的童話木屋,收穫如此美妙的親子時光,是我們莫大的榮幸。咱們民宿的每一位員工,都把客人的需求放在心上,力求做到有求必應。特色蕃土雞能得到你們一家的喜愛,我特別開心,這可是我們精心挑選食材、用心烹飪的成果。懸崖咖啡店的日照金山,那景緻確實令人難忘,還有小桃的乖巧可愛,都為這次旅程增添了別樣色彩。真心期待你們再來,我們一定準備得更加周全,讓你們再次感受家一般的温暖與美好。祝小朋友健康快樂成長,生活幸福美滿!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 為了這個世外桃源般的地方,我們花了好多心思,小木屋更是精心設計,就盼着能讓你躺着就能把玉龍雪山、滿天星斗的美景盡收眼底,還好沒讓你失望,設施配套也是反覆考量,就想給你最舒適的體驗。牧場那些免費項目,就是為了讓孩子們盡情撒歡,玩得開心。山頂的懸崖咖啡館,是看日照金山的絕佳地,希望那景色給你留下了深刻印象。酒店管家接送機、送餐這些服務,都是隨叫隨到,讓你毫無後顧之憂。期待你下次再來,讓你享受更棒的體驗!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 桃花塢選址的時候,就盼着能找個被山水環繞的地方,給大家打造一處世外桃源,看來沒讓你失望。車接車送這些服務,就是想讓你的旅程從一開始就順順利利。搭建獨棟木屋木屋酒店確實費了不少心思和成本,品控更是不敢馬虎,每一處細節都反覆打磨,就希望能給你舒適又安心的居住體驗。小廚房的菜品是我們精心研製的,氂牛肉火鍋可是招牌,能得到你的推薦,那可是對我們廚藝最大的認可!真的特別期待你下次再來,讓你好好享受這裏的風景,徹底放鬆身心!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 酒店房間的佈置,我們花了不少心思,寬敞、乾淨、舒適,就是想給你家一般的自在。牧場本就主打一個寧靜愜意,能讓你在這兒邂逅日照金山,運氣真好,這畫面肯定超難忘。接送機服務和免去雪山遊玩交通問題,就是希望能讓你的旅程輕鬆又省心。關於放養牛羊的建議,太讚了!下次你來,説不定就能看到牛羊撒歡的熱鬧場景啦,一定給你準備更貼心的服務,盼着你再來!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 我們將這裏打造成一處能讓大家身心放鬆的天然氧吧,即便在冬季,也希望能為你帶來別樣的愜意。關於房間設施,能得到你的認可,我們深感欣慰,這背後是團隊對品質的不懈追求。管家的熱情服務正是我們對每位客人的承諾。你的建議對我們無比重要,我們力求為大家帶來更豐富的美食體驗。山頂咖啡屋能成為你觀賞日照金山的絕佳據點。期待你下次夏天再來,我們定用更精彩的活動、更貼心的服務、更豐盛的早餐,讓你收穫一段難忘的美好時光。盼着與你重逢!
Stargazing Starry Sky Ceiling Double Bed Individual Scenic Suite (Whole House Floor Heating + Central Air Conditioning)
Antwort der Unterkunft: 房間佈置時,我們就想着既要好看又要實用,淋浴設施也反覆調試,就盼着能讓你住得舒服,還好都合你心意啦。能看到日照金山,這可是超棒的運氣,能成為你們美好回憶的見證,我們也覺得超幸運。牧場空間大,能讓一家人還有小狗狗都盡情玩耍,這也是我們一直努力打造的氛圍。狗狗闖禍,實在不好意思,主動擔責是我們該做的,能及時解決問題就好。進山的路確實有點崎嶇,不過慢慢開也別有一番樂趣。特別期待你下次再來,到時候我們一定準備更多驚喜,也祝你和家人新的一年萬事順遂!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 一直以來,我們都想把桃花塢最美的一面展現給大家,實景比照片好看,這就是對我們最大的肯定。漫天繁星的美景,還有划船的趣味體驗,能讓你喜歡,我們特別開心。要是之後你還有時間,一定要再來好好玩個痛快,不管是悠閑地划船,還是躺着看星星,我們都在桃花塢等你,準備更多貼心服務,讓你盡情享受美好時光!
Stargazing Starry Sky Ceiling Double Bed Individual Scenic Suite (Whole House Floor Heating + Central Air Conditioning)
Antwort der Unterkunft: 打造桃花塢牧場就是想讓大家在山裡也能有超舒適的體驗。從暖氣、熱水到地暖,每個細節我們都反覆琢磨,就盼着能驅散冬日的寒冷,讓你們住得暖乎乎的。我們的管家一直都把客人的需求放在心上,接送服務跑再多路他也毫無怨言,就希望能讓你們的旅程方便又安心。房間寬敞乾淨,還有各種有趣的體驗,能讓城裡的孩子盡情撒歡,我們也覺得特別滿足。