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Duplex-Zimmer (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2022
3 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 30. Jan. 2023
Ich wollte meinen seltenen Urlaub nicht an malerischen Orten verschwenden und habe daher zufällig dieses Yunshe Mountain Hotel gefunden, als ich nach einer Gastfamilie suchte. Die kurvenreichen Bergstraßen stellten mein fahrerisches Können auf die Probe, aber alles war es wert. Ich sah den Nachthimmel voller Sterne, spürte den Glanz des Sonnenaufgangs, bewunderte ruhig die erste Bucht des Lijiang-Flusses im Morgennebel, ging den ursprünglichen ökologischen Osmanthus-Pfad entlang und es gibt einen kleinen Chrysanthemenhund, der mir den Weg weisen kann 🐶 , und noch mehr unvergesslichen Pflaumenwein voller Duft aus dem Laden. Hier können drei oder fünf Freunde am Herd Tee kochen, Katzen und Hunde bei Langeweile benommen stupsen und eine andere Art von Freizeit und Entspannung erleben.
OriginaltextÜbersetzt von Google
Antwort der Unterkunft: Das Glücklichste im Leben ist, eine Gruppe von Menschen zu haben, die dich verstehen. Danke, dass es dich gibt 😊
Duplex-Zimmer (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2022
Reise mit Freunden
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 26. Jan. 2023
Die Umgebung der Gastfamilie ist sehr ruhig, sie liegt im Wald am Berghang. Der Balkon im öffentlichen Bereich blickt direkt auf den Berg Luosi und der Sonnenaufgang ist sehr sanft. Auf der Rückseite des B&B gibt es einen schweinchenförmigen Ofen, der super süß ist. Die Dekoration der B&B-Zimmer ist warm und einfach. Es ist toll, während des Frühlingsfestes einen ruhigen Ort zum Ausruhen zu haben
OriginaltextÜbersetzt von Google
Antwort der Unterkunft: Mögen sich all die guten Dinge unerwartet treffen, danke für deine Liebe💕
Daniel Vibol
Duplex-Zimmer (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Nov. 2024
4 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 4. Jan. 2025
The only downside was it being a little bit remote, however the owners of this place were very lovely! The owner's family, including their kid and dog helped us on a hike up the mountain, the food they cooked was delicious. The room was better than some 4 star reviews I've stayed at recently, very new and modern, has its own air conditioning, western toilet and internet! I would highly recommend this place to check out the mountain. They even gave us a new year present!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 謝謝你們對我們的喜愛和認可。是的,我們家在山裡,交通有那麼一點點不便利但是就是因為有點偏遠才能有那麼好的景色和環境,我們回來生活十年了,是越來越喜歡山裡的安靜和新鮮空氣。你這次回國有點水土不服,希望下次再來可以帶你們去爬大面山。
Quiet Enjoyment Starry Sky Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Sept. 2024
2 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 13. Okt. 2024
This Hotel is a hidden gem. The room was comfy and the view is to die for. The host paved and mapped out paths for us around the Hotel for the best views of the yangshuo mountains. We enjoyed the serenity and tranquility here. The air smells fragrant with osmanthus and fresh pomelos planted around the vicinity.
The guide dog was so adorable and smart. She guided us all the way to the peak before the dawn, then waited for us to finish before guiding us back down.
The host was friendly and helpful. Food was delicious. She fetched us from the pier upon arrival and took us to the pier when we departed. She is also very open and kind in helping us navigate our way to the Hotel when we got lost. This place is just perfect for this price.
Duplex-Zimmer (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2024
1 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 7. Jan. 2025
We booked the cheapest room (still 70 Dollars). It was noisy at night (some kind of compressor or heating was working). AC did not work and we couldn't use the shower, since it had only very hot water (could probably be fixed by the owner, but it was late already). The guy working there did not really talk to us, despite the fact that I speak good mandarin. The view and outside area was really nice, but I would not recommend staying in winter, because it was very cold in the evening and there is no place to eat inside. The next day a woman arrived, she was very kind, gave us some homemade medicine for our sick child and gave us a ride to the river.
Overall mixed feelings, especially with this price tag, it felt a little bit like a rip off.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 非常抱歉給你們帶來不好的體驗了。晚上吵是水搭的水抽滿了工作人員忘記把閘門打下來,流了一晚上。這個問題我們第二天就處理了,連接了一個自動抽水閘。對不起沒讓你們休息好。空調也是可以制熱的,我們還有電熱毯供大家使用,淋浴的冷熱水都可以調節的,不管多晚你都可以聯繫我們的工作人員他會為你解決的。你説的吃飯問題,是這樣的,我們餐廳除了早餐外,也提供午餐和晚餐另外收費(大家對我們餐廳的出品還是很滿意的)確實是除了我家之外就沒有第二家店了,因為我們是山裡唯一的一家民宿,山裡也只有我們這一家店,這點是提前告知大家的。如果需要便利的購物環境請慎重選擇我們。送給你孩子的不是中葯,是我們自己熬製的金桔醬可以潤肺止咳,因為你的孩子咳嗽,我就送了一瓶給你。歡迎你們再來中國,也希望我還能為你提供更好的服務。祝福你們身體健康,幸福平安!
Duplex-Zimmer (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Mai 2024
13 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 16. Juni 2024
Mountain Serenity ✨
This guesthouse is nestled in the mountains, offering a peaceful escape. The ayi greeted us warmly with osmanthus tea, and the owner kindly explained the hiking route to Damian Shan (大面山). We enjoyed a delicious meal of steamed ginger duck with local vegetables. Overall, it was a wonderful stay with beautiful scenery, warm hospitality, and great food—a perfect mountain retreat.
Be aware: it is pretty remote location and taxi (didi) drivers often miss turns, make sure you are in touch with the guesthouse owner. Enjoy!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 謝謝你們喜歡我們的半山小院,民宿在大面山半山裡,因為在真正的山裡而且是山裡唯一的一家民宿所以很安靜,推窗見山,人在畫中。也謝謝你提醒大家,出租車司機不容易找到我們(從陽朔打車過來40分鐘左右)請提前與我聯繫,我會發定位和路線圖給你方便司機準確到達。如果是坐動車過來的;我們離陽朔動車站九公里。到陽朔動車站後,可以坐大巴到興坪古鎮,再步行10分鐘到興坪渡口,(你也可以選擇直接打滴滴車【十五分鐘】就到興坪碼頭了,費用20元左右。)再購買5元/人的船票(請注意5元/人‼️)坐擺渡船過河(2分鐘到對岸)。我們的車在對岸碼頭接大家,10分鐘可以到達半山的客棧裏。瞭解清楚後還是蠻方便到達民宿的。歡迎你們再來。
Quiet Enjoyment Starry Sky Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Sept. 2024
Reise mit Freunden
2 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 11. Okt. 2024
Most beautiful location with very attentive staff and owner, really made us feel at home :) right next to the mountain with the best view absolutely cant beat it. Very remote and relaxing
Duplex-Zimmer (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Juli 2024
17 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 24. Aug. 2024
amazing wonderful stay and hospitality. away from the crowd, silent, a 10 minutes in the woods will lead you to see the river and the mountains from up above. Great service, family, coffee, food and kindness. I highly highly recommended it!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 謝謝國際友人的喜愛啊。你來的當天正好遇上我們家庭聚會,徵求你的同意後邀請你和我們一起用餐,雖然語言上表達的不是特別標準,但是我們和你相處很愉快,歡迎下次來中國再來桂林。
Duplex-Zimmer (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Juni 2024
6 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 5. Aug. 2024
Extremely Overpriced.
I can't understand the reviews unless they were written at a time when this guesthouse was cheap. We felt at all times like we were in somebody's house.
The good: Rooms are clean and well decorated, and views are nice. Also, they offered to pick us up from the pier and took us back at check out.
The problem we found is everything was way below expectations for a 80U$ room in China.
It is located in an isolated area where you can escape the crowds, however, we didn't find that peace mentioned in some comments cause the owner's children spent their time yelling like hell at our room's door, and kicking plastic bottles around (and even under) our table while we waited for dinner.
They and their friends and/or family had dinner at the same time we did. We didn't get napkins, but they got some for themselves. It was pretty hot, so they placed a fan next to their table, and didn't even ask if we needed the same.
Dinner was good, but we discovered the fish price was by pound only when the bill came. Of course that part is not translated in the English menu.
Worst check in we had in China. The woman just opened the door and left without a word.
We understood no information would be provided, so we asked for hiking suggestions through Wechat (she always asked WeChat pretty fast). As an answer, we received some photos with indications in Chinese. I guess having 5 photos with indications in English for international guests is too much trouble.
All these issues would be minor with a different price, but I think they are not acceptable if you charge considerably more than average.
After weeks traveling in China, this was by far the worst accommodation experience. We received way better service at any 20U$ hostel.
I strongly recommend not booking this "hotel" unless their prices drop below 40U$/night, which would be more than fair.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 你好Daniel ,正如你所説的我們的民宿在大面山的半山裡,避開人羣,景色優美,房間乾淨、裝飾精美,我們的評價都是客人真實的入住反饋。對於你説的“一直感覺自己就像在別人家裡一樣”。我們是民宿,我和我的孩子是居住在民宿裏的,在我的民宿是可以真實感受到民宿主的生活的。你們覺得我的小孩在你們等待吃晚飯時吵到了你們,是可以告訴我的,我會提醒他,他是一個有禮貌的孩子。我們在室內用餐才用風扇,你們在露台外面吹着自然的風,如果你們需要並且告知了我,我會很樂意提供的。我給你們提供的是圖片指引,照片都帶有指示箭頭很直觀。我要鄭重提出啤酒魚的事情,啤酒魚是按斤來計算的,我提供的英文菜單裏面標註得很清楚69元/斤(Li jiang river fish 69/axe)是你們自己沒有看清楚,而不是我們沒有翻譯。這點我會向平台申訴。你們登上大面山觀景平台的棧道是我和我先生2014年出資修建的,我們沒有修棧道之前大面山山頂景色壯觀,但是很難登頂。很多攝影愛好者為此是非常感激我們的,至今為止我們都是免費的提供給大家,從末收取過任何人費用。我一直都是非常真誠的對待來我家的每一位客人對你們也是如此,你們離開的時候我主動提出送你們下説你已經離開了,我的孩子跑步去追趕你們,讓你們在路邊等我,然後免費送你下山。你説你沒有享受到專業的服務,這是你的最糟糕的入住體驗,讓我非常的傷心。
Steven Wun
Duplex-Zimmer (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2023
3 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 26. Nov. 2023
A guesthouse located in the mountain with a fantastic view. The host is nice and friendly, and she offered free guided hiking and free delivery to the pier (so that I could catch my bullet train).
Antwort der Unterkunft: 謝謝你的喜歡, 我們離陽朔動車站九公里。到陽朔動車站後,方法1、可以坐站內大巴到興坪古鎮,再沿着古鎮老街步行10分鐘到興坪渡口。方法2、直接打車十五分鐘就到興坪碼頭了(定位興坪碼頭)費用約20元左右。到達碼頭後購買5元/人的船票,坐擺渡船過河(2分鐘到對岸)。民宿安排的車在對岸碼頭接大家,10分鐘可以到達半山的客棧裏。我們還會提供很多小眾遊玩線路給大家哦。
Juan Diego - 费英杰
Quiet Enjoyment Starry Sky Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Juni 2023
3 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 3. Aug. 2023
We had a wonderful stay. The location is simply perfect, in the middle of the mountains, allowing you to enjoy the most beautiful landscapes of the area without having to be surrounded by the hustle and bustle. For this reason, it is the perfect place to discover the karst landscape of the area and to relax to the maximum during a perfect holiday in nature. Actually having walked all over the area, I can say that, in my opinion, the most beautiful karstic landscapes are close to the hotel and not on the river. At the same time, it is separated from the Li River sites by a pleasant walk. I recommend walking down to the river on foot, because the views are unique. The room is very comfortable and clean and the view from the terrace is breathtaking, impossible to describe in words. It is a unique place for hiking, as it is very close to 大面山, a mountain with stunning views and with few people. The owner of the hotel recommended several activities and helped us to do them by giving us directions and booking us transport. Moreover, the place is very suitable for birdwatchers, with at least 40 species relatively easy to spot. But the highlight, for me, is the food. The 啤酒鱼 (beer fish) is the best dish I have tasted throughout this trip in China. In fact, one of the days of our stay we changed our plans just so we could be at the hotel for lunch! The same goes for breakfast - don't miss it if you stay here! I have been visiting China for 10 years and this accommodation has been, without a doubt, the best one I have stayed in and the one I have treasured the most unforgettable memories in. We don't know what itinerary we will do next year on our China trip, but we are 100% sure that next year we will come back to stay more days. We have just left and can't wait to go back!
Quiet Enjoyment Starry Sky Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Mai 2023
30 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 26. Juni 2023
Yangshuo Yunshe Mountain GuestHouse is an incredible haven tucked away in the mountains, providing a delightful escape from the bustling crowds. This charming guesthouse has instantly become one of my favorite places to stay in China. The food served here is absolutely delicious, and the staff is incredibly friendly and welcoming. Although my room was slightly damp upon arrival, which is understandable given the climate and time of year, the stunning views from the room made up for it.
Immersed in nature, the owner of the guesthouse always provided fantastic recommendations for local activities and scenic walks in the area. The highlight of the stay was the breathtaking view of the karst mountains, especially during sunset, which could be enjoyed just a short 15-minute walk from this beautiful inn in orchards and with great views along the way! I will definitely be recommending this heavenly slice of paradise to anyone I know who plans to visit the region.
To reach the guesthouse, simply take a boat from the ferry terminal, and the owner will be there to greet you at the pier, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Everyone deserves to experience the tranquility and beauty offered by Yangshuo Yunshe Mountain GuestHouse.
Duplex-Zimmer (Queensize-Bett)
Aufenthalt im Okt. 2023
5 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 4. Nov. 2023
Great location to climb Damian Shan. The guesthouse was comfortable , the food was good and overall just a relaxing place to stay with a great view in the mountains. The boss was very helpful and friendly!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 謝謝你的好評哦,我們都很開心為大家服務。民宿在大面山的半山,我們自費修建了一條上大面山的棧道。我們的半山小院是陽朔最避世最野趣最好玩的民宿,也是最放鬆的。
Mountain View Sunrise Family Room
Aufenthalt im Sept. 2022
31 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 10. Okt. 2022
What a beautiful guest house at the best location! Here it is still possible to find peace in the Yangshuo-area. Lots of hiking paths nearby and a waterfall/river to swim in are a short drive away. The food is absolutely the best we have had in Guilin.