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Aufenthalt im Sept. 2024
6 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 22. Okt. 2024
Good location for watching sunset and it sits in the middle of Dongbi. Staff were friendly and helped us with the luggages, which was great since our building didn’t have elevators and our room was on the top floor.
We didn’t know that the home stay had multiple structures and were told we couldn’t enjoy the amenities of others. So if you want to use the beautiful pools they prominently featured on their marketing materials please be aware and make sure you book the specific building that includes the pool. We did the booking in a hurry and did not pay much attention, so imagine our surprise once checked in.
The room is also very dated and I suspect there are better options for that price. Most hotels/homesstays have waterfront views so you may many options that are newer.
The included breakfast was very average but the views of their restaurants were spectacular!
Antwort der Unterkunft: Dear friend, hello~First of all, thank you very much for coming to Xiapu and choosing Shijianhai among many homestays. At the same time, I am also very sorry that you did not have a perfect stay experience in Shijianhai. But I think there must be some misunderstanding in between. Firstly, we have clearly marked the public areas that each room can use on various booking platforms. After you book the room, our butler will also contact the guest in advance, add contact information, and send check-in instructions. Secondly, after learning that you have booked xx, the courtyard where it is located can use the S-shaped public swimming pool of the Light Collection. You went to the swimming pool in the water courtyard at that time, and our butler is not very good at English, so there should be some communication deviation. It seems that in the future, we need to arrange English courses for the butlers uniformly 😭 Finally, it is our honor to attract guests from overseas. It was our fault for not communicating effectively and not experiencing the service and environment you should have enjoyed. We sincerely apologize for the unpleasant journey this time! If you have any other suggestions or needs, please feel free to contact us at any time. Wishing you a happy and smooth journey ahead!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的追光者:您好!看到您推開陽台門的那刻與大海撞個滿懷,我們彷彿也聽見了浪花在您眼底綻放的聲音。主街轉角這棟白牆黛瓦的建築,看似低調卻藏着「大隱於市」的智慧——既坐擁步行三分鐘即達的漁市煙火,又保有推窗見海的私密詩意。若您下次來訪,不妨試試在雨霧天倚欄聽潮,那時的海面會泛起黛青色波紋,與晴空碧海是截然不同的況味。願這方看得見漁船星火的陽台,成為您收藏大海的私人展廊。期待與您再次相逢!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 太開心收到您這麼走心的反饋啦!從關注到入住,我們能參與您這份期待的兑現,榮幸之至。民宿的設計是我們精心打磨的成果,能得到您對審美的認可,比什麼都讓人高興。餐廳的菜品和管家的服務也沒讓您失望,這就是我們一直努力的目標。您帶走的伴手禮,希望能成為這段美好旅行的温馨紀念。我們已經滿心期待您換個季節再來啦,到時候一定給您帶來全新又超棒的體驗!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝你對我們民宿各個方面的認可,從房間視野、餐飲美食,到公區設施、服務體驗,能契合你的期待,是我們最驕傲的事。您這細緻的分享,就像給民宿拍了個超絕的 “宣傳大片”,把我們的特色展現得淋漓盡致,以後我們一定保持水準,不斷提升,給您更驚艷的體驗!希望您在未來的旅途中再次光臨,我們期待您的再次光臨!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人您的誇讚,如同璀璨星辰,照亮了我們前行的道路。每一句好評,都是我們不斷進步的動力。我們會將這份肯定化作實際行動,用心服務好每一位客人,遇見您,是我們的小確幸。您的滿意與好評,如同冬日裏的暖陽,温暖了我們的心房。感謝您給予的信任與支持,期待在未來的日子裏,與您共同書寫更多温馨美好的故事!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊貴的客人,看到您這麼滿意我們的服務,我們真的太開心啦!能讓您在民宿住得舒心、玩得開心,就是我們最大的心願~那天看你們行李多,還有長者孩子,想着能幫一把是一把,都是我們應該做的!東壁村的海邊落日,真的是大自然最浪漫的饋贈,很高興它能成為你旅途中難忘的美景。希望這些美好的瞬間能一直留在你的回憶裏,以後有空了,隨時歡迎你和家人朋友再來拾間海,這裏永遠是你的温馨港灣。
Antwort der Unterkunft: 哇,看到您這滿滿的好評,我們心裏真是樂開了花!為了給客人打造寬敞舒適的居住空間,我們精心規劃房型,挑選柔軟舒適的床鋪,就是希望大家能在這裏得到全身心的放鬆。房間設施我們也是反覆考量,保證齊全好用,陽台外的景色更是我們精心雕琢環境的成果,能讓您喜歡,太好啦!管家們一直秉持着貼心服務的理念,努力做到無微不至,衞生團隊也把清潔工作做到極致,就盼着給您家一般的乾淨整潔。冰箱裏準備免費的飲料和當地小吃,就是想給您一些小驚喜。您的認可對我們來説無比珍貴,下次您有出行計劃,一定要再來,我們會準備更多驚喜等您!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 您的滿意是我們最温暖的陽光。我們很高興得知您在房間的小陽台上找到了心靈的避風港,海浪的聲音是否也讓您的心境更加寧靜,而那夕陽下的美麗瞬間,我們也很榮幸能與您一同見證。感謝您與我們分享這份美好,您的照片確實捕捉了難以言喻的美。期待您再次光臨,讓我們繼續為您創造更多難忘的瞬間。願海風輕拂,温暖您的每一個旅行夢。
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您選擇併入住拾間海民宿,對於您的反饋我們都有認真吸取採納。由於民宿地處海邊,山地比較多,沒有大片的平地用作停車場,衹能停在村裡的公共停車場,不過這邊民宿都是有報銷停車費的,停車場問題東壁村也在積極解決,之後會規劃更大的停車場以保障高峯期的停車問題。85號由於是工業風設計,在一樓大廳配有專屬茶台和茶葉等,後續也會在各個房間內配置準備,希望您監督。入住民宿均可享受拾光餐集的泳池泡池區域,以及拾間海各個開放公區,暖心早餐和晚安甜湯也都有準備,再次感謝您選擇併入住拾間海民宿,期待您的下次光臨~