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René Seyfarth
Qing Shu Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Aug. 2024
5 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 7. Okt. 2024
Sehr freundlicher Service, sehr entgegenkommend und kundenorientiert.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Xiaobai is a comfortable hotel with the theme of comfort and warmth. Comfortable, fresh, simple, quiet style is deeply loved by the majority of white friends. Knowing the king, holding hands, confidant, is a process of narrowing the distance between us and you, the sea memory confidant, the end of the world if neighbors. You are welcome to come home often!
Qing Shu Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Apr. 2024
11 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 14. Mai 2024
Im Gang roch es leider nach Rauch. Das Zimmer hatte Flecken an den Wänden.
Aber das Frühstück war großartig.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您提出的反饋,對於走廊有煙味的問題,我們深表歉意。我們會加強對公共區域的通風和清潔管理,確保為每位客人提供清新的環境。關於房間牆面有污漬的情況,我們會立即安排專人對房間進行全面檢查和清潔,確保類似情況不再發生,我們非常重視您的意見,會不斷努力改進我們的服務,希望能有機會再次為您提供優質的住宿體驗。再次感謝您的反饋。
Qing Shu Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2023
5 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 17. Jan. 2024
The customer service is 10/10 very polite and very helpful.. our first room the tv wasn’t working and they offered us another room which was very nice of them very comfortable you can order food online and delivery till your room with the robot butler the best stay I wasn’t expecting this at all … I will absolutely recommend this
Antwort der Unterkunft: The long paragraph is full of compliments, and seeing that you wrote a good review, we suddenly felt that we had a choiceStaying at Magnolia is the happiest thing in life. We will continue to provide you with high-quality servicesservice, so that every stay of your stay can experience Magnolia's dedicated and sincere service attitude, we expectWaiting for your next stay~
joni leo
Lanshu Double Occupancy Room
Aufenthalt im Nov. 2023
41 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 3. Jan. 2024
around 700 Meter to MRT station
room quite clean
when check in need alot of time.
surrond by food stall
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客官,您好~小白也很難過和抱歉沒能讓你在入住期間讓您有十分滿意的入住體驗,小白家免費提供降噪耳塞嗷,放在前台了,對於您提出的問題,很抱歉給你帶來了不好的入住體驗,我們深表遺憾,o(╥﹏╥)o酒店前台24小時有人在崗,您有任何問題衹要按0一鍵就撥通到前台熱線,小白便立馬飛奔到您身邊為您服務,望小主能給我們一次彌補的機會,能再回家看看小白,一定讓您看到我們的改善和進步,小白誠邀小主再次前來體驗,總有些回憶,恰如眉間的春色,瀲灧在歲月的枝頭,小主在的温馨時光永遠是小白心裏最深情的惦記!
Favour onyelu
Lanshu Double Occupancy Room
Aufenthalt im Febr. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
2 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 18. März 2023
Best water pressure I’ve seen in China , the room was clean, the beds were so soft and pillows were comfy…..10/10
Antwort der Unterkunft: Your affirmation has become the most beautiful embellishment in our lives, and your simple words are the driving force and source of our persistent efforts. Can imagine the corners of your mouth slightly raised when you tap the keyboard, may you work smoothly, every day can experience all kinds of small luck in life ~ I wish you a good mood every day, happy life and all the best~
Lanshu Double Occupancy Room
Aufenthalt im Febr. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
2 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 19. März 2023
VERY CLEAN and smells good
Nice location
Good service very welcoming
Very affordable
Antwort der Unterkunft: Your affirmation has become the most beautiful embellishment in our lives, and your simple words are the driving force and source of our persistent efforts. Can imagine the corners of your mouth slightly raised when you tap the keyboard, may you work smoothly, every day can experience all kinds of small luck in life ~ I wish you a good mood every day, happy life and all the best~
Anonymer Benutzer
Qing Shu Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Jan. 2023
Reise mit Freunden
6 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 5. Febr. 2023
The room is clean and tidy.
Antwort der Unterkunft: We didn't take good care of you during your stay, and in addition to apologizing, we are also very sad. If you have any questions during your stay, please let us know as soon as possible, and we will deal with it for you as soon as possible. Looking forward to your second stay and next 5 star review
Antwort der Unterkunft: 您好!非常感謝您對我們自助早餐的好評!您的滿意是我們最大的動力。我們一直致力於為顧客提供豐富多樣、新鮮美味的早餐選擇,能得到您的認可,我們深感榮幸。從各類精緻的糕點、新鮮的水果,到營養豐富的熱菜和香濃可口的飲品,每一道菜品都是我們用心準備的成果,旨在為您開啟美好的一天。我們會繼續努力,不斷改進和提升菜品的質量與種類,期待您的再次光臨,願我們的早餐能一如既往地為您帶來愉悦的用餐體驗!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 感謝您對小白家入住體驗的認可,入住期間小白家免費洗衣,降噪耳塞,口罩都有提供哦~小白家衞生實行的是嚴格的一客一換及主管查房保證房間的衞生品質!讓您可以住的安心~亞洲最大的購物中心武商夢時代有太多的寶藏小店等您去探尋,創意菜,輕飲食,潮服潮鞋都是年輕人必打卡之地哦~逛累了,歡迎來小白家小憩~讓小白為您奉杯熱熱的玉蘭花茶~衷心祝您生活愉快!萬事順意~並期待您下次的五星好評哦~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,我們酒店坐落於武漢市武昌區的核心地段,周邊交通十分便利;距離4號線僅需步行8分鐘,可輕鬆抵達城市的各個熱門景點和商業中心。同時,酒店周圍還有眾多餐廳、咖啡館和購物中心,滿足您的各種生活需求。無論是品嚐當地美食,還是享受購物的樂趣,都能在短時間內實現。無論是商務出行還是旅遊度假,我們酒店的地理位置都能為您提供極大的便利,讓您的旅途更加輕鬆愉快。
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人,非常抱歉您在我們酒店的入住體驗沒有達到您的期望。我們深感遺憾,聽到您對房間衞生和早餐品質的不滿意見。首先,我們對於房間衞生狀況不佳的問題深表歉意。我們將立即聯繫客房部門加強清潔工作,確保每間客房都能保持整潔和舒適。您的意見對我們非常重要,我們會進一步加強對客房清潔的監督和管理,以確保類似問題不再發生,關於早餐品質和種類的問題,我們也會認真考慮您的反饋意見,並與廚房部門溝通,努力改進菜品的口味和提供更多選擇。同時,我們也會考慮增加咖啡等飲品的供應,以滿足客人的需求。我們非常感謝您的反饋和意見,我們會認真對待並努力改進,希望能有機會再次為您提供更優質的服務,讓您感受到我們的進步和努力。如果您有任何其他問題或需要幫助,請隨時與我們聯繫。再次感謝您的反饋,祝您愉快的一天!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 一朵花開,一夢今生。一朵花謝,一念隨風。雲在天上,您在我的心上。非常感謝您對小白家的厚愛,我們會再接再厲不辜負您的好評。再次感謝您對小白家的肯定,期待再次光臨,祝您旅途愉快!
Yu Shu Twin Room
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2024
23 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 22. Jan. 2025
Antwort der Unterkunft: 猶記籌備早餐菜品時,團隊成員四處探尋美味靈感,反覆試驗每一道工序,恰似在美食海洋中尋覓珍寶。如今您的好評,仿若為這段旅程添上了温暖註腳。這不僅是對食物的肯定,更是對我們夢想的支持。此後歲月,願這份早餐成為您生活中的小確幸,伴您走過每一個明媚清晨,我們也將帶着這份初心,續寫美味故事。