6. September 2024
I use a lot of hotels, in my travels at UK, and the rest of the world, even if I visit my friends, I don't go to their home This Primier Inn chain was the first time I used it, and believe it will be the last time, pure disappointment. In the room I found a spider web, a sign that inhabit spiders and is not clean, the couch next door, was full of strange spots, which doesn't even have to force the imagination, I didn't dare to see the mattress, but I could see Which was well used, at the edges it was already lower, and to finish, breakfast was one of the worst things I ever, from the presentation to the service, had never seen something the same, without quality. For the price I paid £ 132 + breakfast + charity, I hope it will be sent, I can say that I felt stolen, and it was not even in London, it was in a very small village. Escaping this brand of hotels is what I advise. In Google, I was reading £ 63, all to deceive.