At first glance it seemed reasonable. But it progressively became worse. I have a severe allergy to dogs, and the individual working had a lab walking around freely indoors. The room was not much better. Think ,”grandma’s house”, but grandma has dementia and also let your homeless uncle live there for years and never cleaned after him. There were cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, toenail clippings and food on the floor, along with men’s hair all over the toilet, shower, and also in the bed (as if a man had gotten a haircut and then decided to take a nap under the sheets). Continuing to take the bed apart, the sheets and blankets had holes in them. After showering and trying to feel clean, the towels were very thin and had obvious holes in them as well. The walls also had clumped up pieces of dust, and clearly had not been cleaned in months. The sink mirror was not clean either, appearing as if someone had sneezed all over it. I wiped off the dresser, and found that it was covered in dirt and more men’s hair. Spare yourself. Drive another 20 or 30 minutes to find somewhere decent, or just camp in a tent.