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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Ville-dAvray

Les Etangs de Corot
4.4/558 Bewertungen
Rented a suite and there's not even a closet to store your clothes. There is just 4 poor hangers for hanging shirts and dresses. In order to get an iron and an iron board, I had to go down to the front desk since nobody was answering the phone… Right in the middle of the shower, the water becomes suddenly boiling hot. Thinking the mixer was broken, I tried the water in the sink and I had the same issue: just no cold water at all anymore. Of course, this happens right in the middle of the shower. Called the front desk, but nobody was answering, while it was just late afternoon. The problem happened again the day after. The day of the departure, I left around 4.30am in order to go to the airport, and the garage door didn't open. There is no button to call the front desk, therefore I had to leave my car on the ramp and go walk to the front desk in order to ask for the door to be opened. The front desk man said ”oh, I though it would open by itself…” Coming back from the ride around 6am, I tried to call the front desk to get a taxi booking, but nobody answered the phone. I went down in the lobby and the hotel was literally empty. I went back to my room, tried again to call and after 10 minutes somebody picked-up the phone. I told him ”if you're asked by the taxi company where am I going, just tell them destination ABC”. To which he replied ”oh, you can tell the driver yourself when they will ask”. Clearly not listening. The day before leaving, I went to the bar for a dinner since there restaurant was closed… I ordered some food that was brought to me in a pot that was being opened right in front of me and just put in the plate. Just like that, in the pot with the branding and the list of ingredients… I ordered a cold cut plate and it was clearly not fresh at all: the camp was as hard as skin and discolored on the sides, the sauces were discolored as well, the cheese slices were glued one to another. The service is given to kids who have no sense of class or refinement, and they're not even shaved. The lamp that goes from the bar to the outside (which is located inside the bar) is covered with a massive spider net from. As compensation for the cold cut board, I was given a bottle of cheap Bordeaux.

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