Jinglvlun International Hotel, Shaoguan Bewertungen
Jinglvlun International Hotel, Shaoguan
Near No.251 Provincial Road (Big Forest Hot Spring World, Tanghu Village), Qujiang District, Shaoguan, Guangdong, 512000, ChinaHoteldetails anzeigen
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1 Nacht
1328 Bewertungen
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Amenities provided from the hotel were great like free shuttle to the train station, access to the spa baths and areas, breakfast and dinner buffet. Unfortunately the room we were given was a separate building all the way in the back of the resort where their employees live. No option for smoke free rooms on trip.com and per the front desk there were no other rooms available.
A cart shuttle service allows transport to and from the room to the main building. Keep in mind this service ends after 12am.
Room is older and has a moldy smell. Robes weren’t provided to us in the room to walk around the spa area with. There is a restaurant where you can order takeout but that closes around 11pm. 2 stars because of the free shuttle and access to spa pools.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的客人,首先感謝您選擇入住“文化小鎮”,在您入住期間為您帶來的不便我們深感抱歉!關於您説的每一項問題我們都會如實的反饋給各部門以改正、加強服務與操作,再次為您感到歉意!也請您能諒解,期待您的下次光臨,我們定以全新的面貌迎接您!祝您旅途愉快~
Antwort der Unterkunft: 親愛的客人,您好!感謝您選擇入住小鎮,並如此真誠的分享您的入住體驗!您的肯定是我們前進的動力!我們會站在客人的角度加以改進。您的每一條意見我們都會十分重視,您提出的問題我們會反饋給相關部門並做出整改!期待您的再次光臨,我們將為您帶來更好的入住體驗!小鎮在此祝您生活愉快!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客:您好,十分感謝您認可又細心的點評!您的讚許就是我們進步的動力!但是沒能拿到您的全五分好評,不知小鎮有哪些做得不好的地方呢?下次您入住時可聯繫我們的大堂經理,我們希望能得到您的寶貴意見。注重細節,讓服務日臻完美是我們孜孜不倦的追求!小鎮在這等您再次光臨喲!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的賓客,您好!在您入住期間遇到如此失禮的事情,我們深表歉意,在此向您説聲對不起!同時也非常感謝您將此事件反映給我們,酒店已徹查此事,並加強管理、監督、培訓,杜絕此類事件再次發生!給您此行帶來不愉快,但我們還是誠心希望得到您的諒解與寬容,期待您有機會再次前來度假,我們定能給您一個全新的印象!最後,再次向您致歉!---總經理辦公室