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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Semarang

Oak Tree Emerald Semarang
4.3/582 Bewertungen
I was interested in staying at this hotel because of its unique location in a residential complex and the beautiful atmosphere around the hotel. I made a reservation through booking.com, all processes until I checked in everything went smoothly, the check-in process was very efficient, no more than 3 minutes. However, all thoughts of enjoying a clean and quiet room, and the desire to enjoy the surroundings of the hotel through the bedroom window, vanished in an instant. My eyes immediately found strands of hair on the couch and also on the bathroom floor, and the bedroom window was closed with an iced glass window which made sure I couldn't see anything from the room, let alone enjoy the natural atmosphere that had been beautiful in my mind. DISAPPOINTED. TIPS : 1. Please be careful when getting off the vehicle in front of the hotel lobby, because that area is also a road for residential residents, so make sure it is safe before you get out of the vehicle, because sometimes from the left and right vehicles pass by at high speed. 2. Make sure that your room's window is _see through_ so that you will not _trapped_ in a room with NO view!
Horison Ultima Semarang
4.3/5138 Bewertungen
The location is very strategic, the staff were helpful & friendly as well. You could use the swimming pool at the top. Fyi the hotel kinda gives ”old vibes”. Unfortunately,they're gonna charge you for borrowing their utensils which is kinda a downer & personally it would be better to upgrade the lift as well, the button is kinda hard to press. The gym is closed too :( but overall the place is a good place to stay. Clean & cool AC.
Metro Park View Hotel Kota Lama Semarang
4.4/576 Bewertungen
lokasinya strategis, dekat mall dan hanya jalan kaki ke area kota lama yang banyak resto dan bangunan berejarah. Lobby hotelnya ok, breakfastnya lumayan tapi ngga terlalu banyak pilihan standnya. Makanan buffetnya biasa aja. Kamarnya besar, furniturenya biasa aja, sinyal tvnya ngga bagus. Pegawainya ramah dan cukup membantu. Untuk trip yang bukan mau bersantai di kamar atau menikmati fasilitas hotel (pool nya lagi perbaikan pas kita kesana), hotel ini cocok krn lokasinya ok banget.
Gets Hotel Semarang
4.4/5108 Bewertungen
Wir lieben es, in der Nähe von meinem Haus im Gets Hotel zu bleiben, einen guten Eindruck mit der Empfangsmitarbeiterin Frau Regina haben, die sehr hilfreich ist. Besonders Mr. Aditya, der in einem Zimmer das liefert, was wir brauchen, um unser Zimmer sauber zu halten. Danke! Bis wir uns wieder für einen weiteren Aufenthalt treffen!
Novotel Semarang
4.3/564 Bewertungen
One of the best hotel in semarang , really friendly and helpfull staff , the waiters are so friendly , the foods are excellent taste and good room , the hotel is so clean , for sure will come back someday... Novotel semarang is recommended for travellers
Hotel Aruss Semarang
4.4/558 Bewertungen
Book Aruss Hotel just for 1 night, only for transit so my hubby can rest and have a shorter drive back home (to Jakarta). Surprisingly, we really love our stay, the staffs are amazingly nice & helpful. The check in process was fast & smooth, they offered us welcome drinks on the rooftop on 11th floor, it was really nice. For 4 star hotel the room is nice and clean, have nothing to complain about. They also offered large varieties of breakfast, includes with the kids corner area which serves kids friendly meals. Really enjoy our stay in Aruss Hotel & will definitely come back again.

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