I have only ever posted one negative review in the past (about 7 years ago). I usually like to spread the word when things are good. But this experience leads me to actually feel guilty if I don't tell the public about our experience. We had made reservations far in advance and when we got there I asked if we could be put on the top floor (you know how it is with loud people above you - let alone on the sides and the heavy hotel doors slamming shut), and I would happily accept any answer, after all, I knew it was kind of a shot in the dark. However the receptionist didn't answer me and just gave us the keys to 'not the top floor'. And that's fine, really - I am not one to make a big fuss. So we went to our room which was quite lovely and super clean. However, at 8 am there was pounding and scraping so loud (and I would like to mention that I do have heart condition that I take medication for) that it was very obvious that there was major construction happening right over our head. I actually heard other guests in the hall talking about how loud and disruptive this all was. It truly sounded as if someone was ripping the carpet up and possibly slamming the couch (maybe it was the bed?) down over and over. I called the front desk and the woman stated that they were indeed doing a full renovation of the room directly above us. She simply said that there was nothing they could do and without even apologizing said to me, ”have a nice day”. This hardcore construction went on full force as we left (and left extra early as we could't even think in that environment). When my husband and I got to the front desk to return the keys, we asked the woman at the desk if we could speak to the manager (again, we are very polite and understanding people that can endure quit a bit before speaking up) and the woman said the she was the ”front desk manger”. We explained the situation that she seemed to already understand as she agreed that there was full renovation right above our room and that she was sorry but that she had no control over the construction workers. We then asked why they would put guests under (or even around) that kind of noise at an actual hotel. She could don't tell us. She did not offer to make anything right, she didn't offer any true sympathy. I felt like a number, or some kind of unwelcome problem that was brought to her door. I just hope someone will avoid this hotel and save their vacation. I feel strange reviewing negatively but I feel worse if I don't say anything. The hotel itself showed us its values and I wholeheartedly disagree with the way we were treated. With that said I will say that the housekeeping was so kind and friendly and did an amazing job. The housekeeping gets 5 stars. I truly hope they get their priorities in order and don't cause such badness to good, quiet people that trusted them to shelter us appropriately, just so that they could get money for that room.
101 Bewertungen