16. Oktober 2023
I had to leave the hotel 4hours after checking in as I have complained about the terrible bed settings they had and the manager end up putting me though a disturbing emotional ordeal… The fact is they sold as room with a king bed but it actually had two horrible single beds put together, which was extremely uncomfortable and made a whole in the middle making impossible to sleep. The person who I spoke to, Paola, was very rude when I asked her what could be done cs was not humanly possible to sleep there, stating there was nothing it could be done as this is the bed the setting. I then told her they needed to change either the bed or room, so a minimum confort requirement, as sleeping well, was met. She then started replying things like that people don’t have where to sleep and we were arguing about bed size, among other insults like I was blackmailing her when I told her that either she finds a solution or I would check out which was my right. She even went to say that I should not be complaining about the confort of the bed cs I didn’t sleep on it yet! I was sick that they and spend the afternoon in bed so that’s when I started to really doubting about them them being in the hospitality business. I was so emotionally distressed (and also sick that day) with her agressive behavior that I felt for my safety so I had to rush out from there without spending any night at Tritone. I have gone through a lot of distress missing out a tour and dinner paid for to find a last minute accommodation in a very busy period in Rome. She hasn’t refunded me, as you would expect from someone who advertises one thing in Booking but actually sells a nightmare. The last notes are about the umberrable noise coming from the busiest avenue in the neighborhood as they have the original windows w/ absolute no noice cancelling, the aircon that made a loud noise and the “lobby” where entrance of rooms are which display their lack of care with left over materials from a renovation… If u want a suggestion stay at Room Mate Philippo, almost same location, where rooms are amazing, on a quite street and more importantly, there you are treated as a human being and not as a 100 euro bill… @Paola, I know you are going to read this and come back with some ranting reply but I’ve been in Italy for a month now and has had wonderful experiences and never in 7 years of using booking have disputed a payment for an accommodation. So keep the $829 I paid for because you may need much more than I do…