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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Montemor-o-Novo

Sleep & Nature Hotel
4.4/561 Bewertungen
Too expensive for what it offers. Overbearing and foolish management that won't admit its mistakes. Decisions that favor business events instead of the relaxation they claim to offer leisure guests. Access is 1.5km on dirt, full of terraces from tractors, which makes it impossible for a car to go more than 10kms/h without breaking the shock absorbers. At check-in there was a group of around 50 people at the entrance to the hotel. We headed for the pool and were surprised by the same group on the pool terrace. It was a company team building event with food, drink and a lot of noise. It was impossible to rest. Small, plastic outdoor pool overlooking the air-conditioned rooms. The company's employees took over the hotel and filmed us with a drone while we were in the pool, without any authorization or warning. This is a clear disregard on the part of the hotel for the privacy of its guests. We went to the room and found the sheets and pillows dirty. The group continued to make noise all afternoon all over the property, on a peddy paper, running and shouting, and even peering into the bedroom windows in search of something. Later, we had dinner in the hotel restaurant and the group continued to sing Alentejo songs and drink at the bar throughout the meal. In addition, the dishes we ordered (cod and sea bream) were salty. After dinner we went to reception and told them that we didn't want to stay at the hotel next night, arguing what I'd explained and asking for a refund for the next night we wouldn't be staying. We were told that the next day they would talk to the superior to see what the situation was. On the way back to the room we found a plague of insects near the entrance and on the outside walls of our room and the adjoining rooms. The next day we showered and smelled of chlorine, the level used in the water. At breakfast the group was still in the hotel. We went to reception and the receptionists told us that we wouldn't be refunded the €190 for the night we hadn't stayed. We left and they kept the money. Relaxation and tranquility?!?

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Hotelinformationen für Touristen

Anzahl der Hotels5
Anzahl Bewertungen5
Niedrigster Preis54 €
Höchster Preis60 €
Durchschnittspreis (am Wochenende)59 €
Durchschnittspreis (unter der Woche)59 €