22. März 2025
I stayed at this hotel for 14 weeks, 4 nights a week, from November 2024 to March 2025, due to a work secondment, and unfortunately cannot recommend it at all. The following are amongst the issues I experienced: •Twice I was given a room without working central heating. The first time this happened, the receptionist was happy to give me a different room. Before me moving my belongings to another room, they wanted to double check that the heating definitely would work in my new room. After a while, they got back to me and said they had checked 6 or 7 different rooms and were unable to get the heating working in any of them. At that point they asked if I was happy to stay in my current room if they gave me a portable heater, which I agreed to. •The second time this happened (room 711) I spoke to the receptionist who offered me the room next to it (712). As they opened the door, I instantly noticed a strong smell of mould and damp. The receptionist was unable to get the heating working in this room as well, and then they noticed that the room had mould on the walls and ceiling. They asked if I was happy stay in my current room if I was given a portable heater which I agreed to. Only as I was getting ready to check out four nights later, I noticed that this room also had mould on the ceiling and net curtains. •Since mid-November when I first started staying at the hotel, until mid-March when I left, there was a sign in the breakfast room to say that “due to global shortages” they were unable to serve pure orange juice and had mixed it with pineapple and grapefruit juice. (not sure how “global” this shortage was; there are several supermarkets – Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s and M&S Food Hall – within a 5 minute walk of the hotel which all had a good selection of orange juices available all this time). The sign, however, was not immediately next to the orange juice jug so was easy to miss. During my first few days at the hotel, I kept drinking this juice at breakfast as I had not noticed the sign. This is something I shouldn’t have done, as I am on medication for high blood pressure and cholesterol, and the label for my medication states that I should avoid eating and / or drinking grapefruit while taking this medication, as it can cause side effects. Premier Inn put my safety and the safety of many other guests taking blood pressure or cholesterol medications at risk by serving juice containing grapefruit as orange juice. For at least four months they were unable to source pure orange juice – how long can it take to resolve a shortage that no-one else seems to suffer from? •The breakfast room frequently ran out of other items, too. •Baked beans were often barely lukewarm, despite me getting to the breakfast room as soon as it opened at 6.30am •It was often a struggle to find clean bowls and mugs •Lifts had persistent problems that the hotel management were unable to fix during the four months I stayed there - the lifts do not stop at some floors. •One night,