Graham H
3. Juni 2024
Experience a 17th Century hotel where fresh local produce meets friendly Orcadian hospitality, says the advert...or so you may think. Being kicked out...literally...after the 2nd of a 5 night stay was great. No reason was given, just the Basil Fawlty wannabee barman gleefully informing me, quite loudly and to all other guests, that "tonight was my last night, you're going tomorrow". No reason was given, and despite my requests none were ever forthcoming. It added to the terrible 'atmosphere' of this dump. I have honestly used public conveniences with more charm. The dated and smelly rooms are without any redeeming features at all. The barman/manager is utterly convinced of his charm and ability, whilst displaying neither. I had to leave before breakfast, so asked for a takeaway bag. It had a frozen muffin, an apple and a snack bar. Properly bad. You may ask why I was staying here if I am so negative, well I had no choice. I was working and had to go where I was booked in to. I left and went to stay at a pub in St Margaret's Hope...and the difference could not have been starker. Clean, non-aromatic rooms with mattresses not looking as if they had been used in a cull. Pleasant staff and great food, in fact everything the Orkney hotel is missing. I have now declined (as have all my colleagues) to stay at the Orkney hotel least whilst there are still bus shelters in Orkney... An oft used quote about a poor experience, service or hotel is that 'It was so bad it was good' In this instance, it was so bad it was terrible. Avoid at all costs.