5. Oktober 2022
The location provided by the property will take you away 4.5 KMs away from the property towards Auli Road, Joshimath Cantt. Whereas the property is near Joshimath Taxi Stand. There is no lift in the Hotel, though they may provide you room in third floor. They have indicated some 25 amenities, however, merely 5 amenities may be available. The fan, lights will not work and no one will pay attention to your request and states that we have provided whatever available with us. You will be provided only 1CFL for your illumination needs. Most of the time only this CFL will provide you light since they don't have power back up for other items. If you are allergent to fungus then it's a guarantee that you will fall ill since room and bathroom are full of fungus and dampness. Pillow cover, bed sheets and blankets are so dirty and they will not change. It's advisable now not to book such hotel for your health and safety.