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Cloud Top Superior Double Bed Room
Aufenthalt im Dez. 2022
15 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Gepostet am 28. Jan. 2023
Interesting Resort about 20 Minutes outside of the City. The place is a huge resort with small houses. Nobody in the entire area speaks english and their is no real Reception or hotel. So if you don’t speak Chinese maybe try to get the We-chat number from the guy who is offering the apartments. (He helps with everything, it‘s very needed) Thanks again for beeing available all the time.
The apartment is nice and quite new.
It’s not a hotel, so there is no real breakfast available. To get a fresh brewed coffee in the morning the electric-carts with driver drove 3 minutes outside where we could get a coffee.
The Pool is nice but just open from 1pm to 7pm.
In the area is also a store where we could by stuff and restaurants where you can get food.
Overall everybody again was very friendly and helpful.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的貴賓您好!感謝您選擇西雙版納White銀河假日別墅。24小時的管家給您提供便利貼心的服務,整個園區被鮮花綠植所包圍,園區商業街有餐廳,超市等可以提供早,中,晚餐。您的寶貴見意我們會認真聽取,儘量的完善自己,爭取給來到這裏的每一位顧客都能帶來一份滿意的入住體驗和更好的貼心服務。我們期待您的再次光臨!祝您旅途愉快!
Man Ting Fang Two-Bedroom Detached Villa
Aufenthalt im Juni 2022
Reise mit Freunden
11 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 23. Juli 2022
White hotel is a great villa resort for Xishuangbanna. The rooms are clean and modern, great facilities and amenities and the service has been impeccable.
The swimming pool and central building is beautiful and has an amazing view.
The location of the resort is not perfect as it's in the South of xishuangbanna near the airport, you will need to get transport to the city and attractions, however this location makes it much less crowded and more secluded which I like.
The villa is also more Airbnb style than regular hotel style so you should take that into consideration.
The resort is also quite large and requires use of the shuttle cars to get to and from the entrance.
Overall we had a great experience here and really enjoyed the different style of hotel. Would definitely recommend it.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 尊敬的貴賓您好,感謝您入住西雙版納White銀河假日別墅,您在百忙之中給我們這麼認真詳細的好評,是我們值得學習的,我們感到非常的高興。歡迎您來到古老的中國,美麗的西雙版納,西雙版納有着自己獨有的熱帶雨林氣候,和人文環境,這裏被稱之為動植物王國,White銀河假日別墅又是西雙版納最美后花園,這裏一步一景,有着山頂最美天空之鏡,和網紅無邊泳池。這些都能給您的假期增添很多的快樂,我們也是用心做好每一件事情,不管是房間的硬件,衞生。還是24小時的管家式服務。都是向著星級連鎖酒店看齊,做為一個新的度假別墅酒店,還有很多需要調整,改進的工作要做,希望不久的將來,與您再次相遇的時候,我們用一個嶄新的自己,迎接您的到來,再次祝福您和您的家人,開開心心每一天。