No. 154 SiDeng Village, ShaXi Ancient Town, JianChuan, DaLi, Yunnan, China, Jianchuan, Yunnan, ChinaHoteldetails anzeigen
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Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im Juli 2023
13 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 20. Aug. 2023
Beautiful and very relaxing hotel with a familiar atmosphere.
We were warmly received and the owners were very kind and helpful. Breakfast non available
The hotel is just closed to the shaxy main attractions, everything is reachable by foot.
We had a very good stay here.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you for your kind feedback, it was our pleasure to host you and glad to hear that you had a great time here. There is a breakfast market just a one-min walk away from our inn, where you can find local speciality breakfast items prepared by the locals. They offer a variety of options like local milk, soybean milk, steamed buns, noodles, rice noodles, wontons, porridges, etc. It is a great opportunity to go and taste the local flavours. Enjoying the unique local cuisine is definitely a delightful part of the journey. Have a safe rest of journey and hope to see you again!
Pleasant, friendly, and well-located! We would stay again.
Antwort der Unterkunft: Thank you so much for your kind feedback! We were glad to host you and hope to see you again! Best wishes!
Zimmer mit Queensize-Bett
Aufenthalt im Aug. 2023
3 Bewertungen
Gepostet am 13. Sept. 2023
It is one of the best hotels we have ever stayed. Not only is the yard extremely beautiful and elegant, the room is also very well designed and equipped. You see the thoughtfulness through the details in the room , like the beautiful tea set, the sensory light under the bed that turns on automatically when you go to the bathroom at night, the hand washing detergent... They also have a nice tearoom on the top floor. The owner sent us useful information for exploring the town as well.
Antwort der Unterkunft: 旅行中的不期而遇是緣分,感謝小姐姐選擇借鄉居!接待過很多做音樂的客人,都驚訝於本是提供住宿的客棧居然有這麼多台樂器,我們期待小姐姐下一次的音樂沙龍!也歡迎所有喜歡音樂或者從事音樂的你們來這裏奏上一曲。沙溪四季皆有風景,生活皆有美好,從古街古宅到稻田溪流,從樸實無華的白族老百姓到貓貓狗狗,時光在這裏,慢的剛剛好,阿木説,下次再來,和它一起躺平,期待與你再見!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 見過很多一人出行到沙溪的女生,但獨自出行的男生卻是很少見,小哥哥能夠對旅行有獨到的見解,也能尋找適合自己的玩法,是個有趣且有想法的靈魂!我們希望來自城市的你們能夠在沙溪放鬆休閑,用慢節奏來體會沙溪的古道老宅,山川河流,與陽光星空。感謝對借鄉居的褒獎,歡迎小哥哥下次再來閑,也祝拼搏在城市的年輕人們忙時有序,閑時有趣,願大家都能找到治癒自己的那一方凈土。
Antwort der Unterkunft: 很高興借鄉居能為你旅途增添一抹温馨與美好,謝謝你這麼用心地給我反饋,感覺自己的努力得到了認可。沙溪以前是馬幫休憩交易的地方,就如同那悠遠馬幫驛站,為旅人的心靈輕輕拂去塵埃,如今,踏進沙溪的旅人,都會暫時忘卻城市裡的焦慮緊張,身心得以徹底的放鬆與修復。一天太短,下次多待幾天。感謝相遇,祝你一切順利,幸福常伴!
Antwort der Unterkunft: 社牛小妹妹活波靈動,印象深刻,媽媽帶娃是無為而治,母女三人在沙溪的三天行程隨意悠閑,看到了很多急行軍式的在景點中穿梭的旅行,心中不僅很感慨,在如此美好的小鎮時光裏,能夠放慢腳步,悠遊自在地漫步,這何嘗不是一種難得的奢侈和幸福呢,很高興你們在借鄉居客棧度過了愉快時光,真心期望還能有幸再次接待你們,祝福你們,生活美滿幸福!