Ron Sports
30. August 2022
This is one of those old ladies who used to be quite a charmer back in her prime. Today, the place is wilted and trying to stay fresh, but is losing the appearance battle.
As far as service, the front desk is terrific. The price is OUTSTANDING, but don’t expect frills. This hotel was once probably a big center of attention, and even had a nightclub.
The room I was given was quite clean, although, again, appeared to have sagged over the years. There are definite flaws (shall door had no knob, washer/dryer weirdly placed in a passage hall, incongruent furniture, drapes that don’t seem custom to the size of the windows).
The paint is fresh, but glaring in its attempt to be ‘bright’.
Still, it’s clean, bug-free, and everything ‘functioned’ as it was intended.
Recommended, but guys might handle it better than ladies.