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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Bambolim

Grand Hyatt Goa
4.4/548 Bewertungen
When booking, we had shared all booking IDs as we were 4 couples with young kids and each had booked their own room. All IDs were shared with Ms. Priyanka. We clearly had asked if there was a wedding group, we will not book the rooms, but we were assured that there is no wedding group booking. We were even holding parallel reservation at another Hyatt hotel which we cancelled as Grand Hyatt was a preferred property. And then as soon as we landed we came to know that there was a wedding group at the property. As a family and leisure traveller, you do not wish to be barging into a wedding party when you want a quiet time. Then the check-in experience was messed up as rooms were not allotted together after relaying the information more than 45 days in advance. When rooms were allotted they gave a twin bed room instead of king bed. A basic no view room was allotted instead of bay view as was booked. The amount of time spent in changing the room took aways more than 3 hours of time on day of arrival and kids did not get time to go to the pool at all. They were disappointed as they could not go to the beach or the pool that evening. They did upgrade one room to a suite but in a group of 4 families it is not helpful as to pick who would stay in the suite, so the gesture wasnt very helpful. After getting in touch with Mr. Aditya Bhanwar (Director of Rooms) through a contact we were next day again shifted to another block which was supposed to be away from the wedding party but the wedding party was occupying area near the pool with loud music which was a bummer. Next day the Asst. ***ager Ms. Zuvaria still messed up on shifting process and when we had asked assistance on the restaurant, she again created confusion wasting over an hour without any reason. The feedback was relayed to Mr. Aditya and ***ager Mr. Gaurav. When rooms were shifted, they mixed up the rooms as well. The reception staff seemed so confused, it looked like they were only trying to handle the wedding group and that they were not at all bothered about the individual / leisure traveller. We have been to other bigger properties that handle groups much more effectively keeping leisure and group travellers distant, but things here werent very great. Only relief was the bar as we have some cocktails and bartender Aavi made us some good drinks.

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