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Neueste Bewertungen für Hotels in Akirifushi

Oblu Select Sangeli - Premium All Inclusive with Free Transfers
4.7/559 Bewertungen
From start to finish our experience at the Oblu Sangeli was incredible. It was our first time visiting the Maldives and it was everything we could have wished for and more. We stayed in the water villa and it did not disappoint. The room was beautiful and the access to the lagoon was amazing. It was great for snorkelling and had plenty of corals where we saw baby sharks, manta rays and lots of colourful fish! We embarked on the turtle snorkelling trip and saw many turtles which was wonderful! The buffet was great and we appreciated that they changed the dishes every day so you had a variety to choose from. A huge thanks to Chef Rahul who not only made excellent Indian food for us, but also became a good friend and was always so kind to us. Another big thanks to the waiter, Yathrib, who was so friendly and attentive to us and gave excellent service. This really made our experience even better. We also really enjoyed the fine dining experiences included in the Serenity plan. Both restaurants (just grill & just wok) served delicious food and a nice view of the sunset. A highlight for us was the pool as it was right next to the ocean and the view was incredible. We loved the slide leading into the ocean, that was a vey unique touch for the hotel and lots of fun at the pool party too and recommend you throw a pool party a couple times a week as it was great! We really enjoyed the live entertainment in the evenings and especially loved listening to Dee & Jay singing so beautifully! A highlight for us was definitely the excellent service from the staff. From the first day we could see that they were genuinely nice people and took pride in their job. A special shout out to the Sangs bar staff who were always kind and friendly to us. They made our experience better by just being genuinely nice people and their service was excellent! A big thanks to Pradeep and Lahiru who lead the team and always greeted us with a smile and made us feel at home. A huge thanks to Ibrahim and Madheeh who made us laugh everyday and gave brilliant service. You made our experience even better by just meeting you all. We will definitely return to the hotel in the future as it was the best holiday we've ever had! The Maldives is really paradise on earth! Don't think twice about booking to stay at this hotel because it's perfect!

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